Fatality FATALITY (Yrra Cynril)BIOGRAPHY
Created by Ron Marz and Darryl Banks

Fatality (Yrra Cynril).gif
Fatality (Yrra Cynril); Art by


Real Name: Yrra Cynril
Occupation: Assassin (former)
Homeworld: Xanshi
Space Sector: 1313
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: unnamed parents, siblings (deceased)
Base of Operation: originally planet Xanshi, now mobile
Group Affiliation(s): Star Sapphires, formerly Sinestro Corps
Gender: Female
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 125 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Distinguishing Features: due to injuries in battle, has prosthetic arms
First Appearance: Cameo: Green Lantern Vol. 3 #82 (January 1997): "Adventures in Babysitting"
Full Appearance: Green Lantern Vol. 3 #83 (February 1997): "Retribution: Part One"
Creators: Ron Marz and Darryl Banks


Xanshi was a world of many species, one race was a birdlike humanoid. Reever, the Green Lantern of Xanshi fell in battle with his foe, Arkkis Chummuck of the neighboring world Toomey VI. Chummuck then served the Corps with distinction for many years.

Born to the ruling family of Xanshi, a more humanoid race, Yrra Cynril was sent off-world to be educated by the Warlords of Okaara. There she learned of honor and combat. She was a gifted warrior and would have brought pride to her family, had they lived.

Unknown to Yrra Cynril and the rest of the universe, the planet Xanshi played a key part in the cosmos and thus was a target of the Anti-Life. The other-dimensional worlds of New Genesis and Apokolips had formed an alliance to stop aspects of the Anti-Life from destroying the Milky Way galaxy and gaining entry to our universe.

Green Lantern John Stewart arrived on Xanshi with J'onn J'onnz, the Martian Manhunter to investigate. The population of Xanshi was stricken with a deadly communicable disease, the first signs of the aspect's presence. The power ring allowed Stewart to formulate a cure and find the most likely location of the Anti-Life aspect.

It had taken control of Xanshi's weather and seismographic control stations by tapping into the planet's core. When a fiery earthquake erupted, Stewart decided to leave J'onnz while he went on ahead. The Green Lantern believed himself unstoppable as he charged the aspect's operations. He was ready to destroy the doomsday bomb that threatened Xanshi, but Stewart was completely unprepared for what he saw: the bomb was yellow. There was nothing he could do when the bomb detonated.

Xanshi itself was consumed in flame as it was torn out of its orbit. It plunged into its sun, and the antimatter detonated the yellow star.

Through the ring, Stewart could feel the death screams of the people of Xanshi. J'onn J'onnz was spared from death by the power ring, as was the Green Lantern. He held Stewart's arrogance as the cause of the planet's death.

Stewart cursed himself for what he had done. He knew Xanshi could have been saved if he had listened to J'onnz. Stewart came close to committing suicide to escape his grief.

News of her homeworld's destruction reached Okaara, and against the Warlords' wishes, Cynril left to discover why Xanshi had been destroyed. She learned a Green Lantern had been involved in the disaster and pledged to kill all Green Lanterns in a rite of vengeance. Adopting the name "Fatality", Cynril learned more of weapons and warfare than the Okaaran Warlords could have ever taught her.

Fatality scoured the galaxy, killing Green Lanterns wherever she could find them. Her impressive combat skills allowed her to wear down her opponents and strike after their power ring's twenty-four hour charge limit ran out. Many Green Lanterns died at Fatality's hand.

The fall of the Green Lantern Corps did not signal the end of her hunt. Fatality tracked former Green Lantern Galius Zed to Rann in her quest for vengeance. Galius Zed was a member of the Darkstars, but even his exo-mantle could not save him. Fatality's next target was on Earth: Kyle Rayner, possessor of the last power ring.

She hid her starship in a warehouse and tracked the last Green Lantern through New York City. Fatality found Kyle Rayner in Disco Tech, a Greenwich Village dance club.

In human guise, Fatality danced with Rayner before demanding he come outside with her. Rayner was startled by her insistance, but more surprised by her flash change into a combat suit. She knew Rayner was Green Lantern.

The battle turned when Rayner changed into Green Lantern. He quickly deprived Fatality of her energy staff, but she was prepared with other weapons. She told Rayner of her quest to destroy any and all beings that had carried the name of Green Lantern.

Fatality changed her tactics when she learned the energy of Rayner's power ring was not based on a twenty-four hour time limit, but a finite charge. She retreated, flying by rocket powered boots. Fatality went straight to Rayner's apartment and took his power battery.

Fatality was now on the offensive, challenging the Green Lantern to face her. She taunted him with his power battery and he eventually showed to reclaim it. She fought viciously, driving their battle through the streets of New York to the subway system. Fatality was ready to deliver a killing blow when John Stewart appeared.

Neither knew who the other was, but Stewart was ready to fight her bare handed. Suddenly, emerald energy blasted from Stewart's hands, seperating her from Rayner. Fatality was down, but not out. She stabbed the Green Lantern before escaping with the battery.

Fatality led Green Lantern off planet. Her starship opened a rift in space, through which the Green Lantern followed. Fatality's starship was hit by Kyle's last blast of emerald energy and was forced down on a nearby world. But before crashing, Fatality managed to inflict damage on her pursuer. The Green Lantern plunged towards the planet as well.

She waited by her downed starcraft for her prey to find her and resumed their fight. The Green Lantern's power ring had exhausted its charge, but her opponent was armed with a sharp bone he wielded like a sword. Though wounded, Fatality was an experienced fighter, and the Green Lantern was not. He was taken aback by the sight of her blood.

The Green Lantern tried to talk her out of her mission of vengeance, but she was unmoved. From his words, she learned John Stewart was the Green Lantern responsible for Xanshi's destruction. Fatality planned to make him suffer before killing him, then she would devour his remains as her race's custom. She showed the Green Lantern his stolen power battery, the object she would use to beat him to death.

Fatality did not have a chance to strike a blow. A creature that prowled the tunnels of the planet seized her and the Green Lantern in its tentacles. It started dragging them into the murky water of that world.

Her own hatred doomed her, Fatality refused to give the power battery to Rayner. She threw the battery away. Fatality would sacrifice her life for the death of the last Green Lantern.

Rayner was delayed in freeing himself from the monster's clutches, and Fatality was taken under the water. By the time Green Lantern cut his way free, she was gone. He searched the tunnels but Fatality's severed arm was all that remained.

Rayner returned to Earth with his power battery, believing Fatality dead.


While she was a member of the Sinestro Corps, Fatality possessed a yellow power ring and power battery.


For a definitive list of appearances of Fatality in chronological order click here


Green Lantern Secret Files #1 (July 1998)

Green Lantern Secret Files #2 (September 1999)