Created by John Ostrander and Tom Mandrake


Known Relatives: Avery Sunderland (cousin; deceased); Constance Sunderland (cousin)
Base of Operation: San Diego, CA
Gender: Male
First Appearance: Firestorm, the Nuclear Man #88 (August 1989): "Meltdown"
Creators: John Ostrander and Tom Mandrake


Following the death of General Avery H. Sunderland, much of the Sunderland Corporation fell under the control of the General's British-born cousin Alan Windsor. It was under his watch, at Sunderland's new San Diego corporate headquarters, that Hal 'Air Wave' Jordan's metahuman abilities were augmented as Maser.

Windsor and his cousin Constance Sunderland subsequently had a power struggle over the Sunderland Corporation and Alan ended up creating the weapons company known as Meta/Tech. Now based primarily in Maryland, Windsor was forced to deal with a new threat when Count Viper seized mental control of the company's CEO in the hope of using MetaTech's resources to further his own dreams of power and revenge. Thanks to the intervention of Hawkman, Windsor regained control of his mind and company. Windsor was last seen when the evil entity Nyi'tarla tried to take control over America by absorbing several companies into the InterSect corporation.


For a definitive list of appearances of Alan Windsor in chronological order click here