Created by Len Wein and Bernie Wrightson


Occupation: Bio-chemist
Status: Deceased
Citizenship: American
Marital Status: Married
Known Relatives: Linda Holland (wife; deceased); Agnes Asherman (mother-in-law); Edward (brother)
Gender: Male
Hair: Blond
First Appearance: Swamp Thing Vol. 1 #1 (October-November 1972): "Dark Genesis"
Creators: Len Wein and Bernie Wrightson


Several years ago, Alec Holland was a successful young bio-chemist who worked with the likes of Jason Woodrue, Phil Sylvian, and Pamela Isley. Together with his wife Linda, he developed the 'Bio-Restorative Formula', which could potentially solve the problem of famine. However, a rogue organisation called the Conclave (I), would do anything to get their hands on the formula. In cold blood, they killed Alec and Linda with a bomb in their cabin out in the Louisiana swamps. Alec's body was imbued with the formula in the explosion. Burning, he stumbled out, dived into the swamp... and died.

Accumulating leaves, moss, and rotten decay, a body was formed around Holland's mind, and eventually, the Earth Elemental called Swamp Thing (IV) arose. For years, this creature believed itself to be the real Alec Holland mutated into a monster, and vainly sought a cure to restore himself. (On a couple of occasions, it even seemed as if he succeeded, but since he was not really Holland, he inevitably reverted to his Swamp Thing self again.)

Meanwhile, the ghost of Alec Holland was unable to find peace. Not until the Swamp Thing had learned the truth about himself and buried the remains of Alec, was the spirit able to go on to afterlife in Heaven. The memories of his identity still lived on in Swamp Thing, who, to this day, calls himself 'Alec'.

Recently, John Constantine took away the 'human' remains from the Swamp Thing's mind while preparing him to battle a demon. Fearing this was a mistake, John resurrected the soul of Alec Holland and made it reanimate the rotting remains of Holland's body. The outcome of this has yet to be seen.


For a definitive list of appearances of Alec Holland in chronological order click here