Created by Gerald Jones and Chuck Wojtkiewicz

The Original Universe


Full Name:
Status: Defunct
First Appearance: Justice League America #94 (December 1994): "What Are You Made Of?"
Creators: Gerald Jones and Chuck Wojtkiewicz


An organisation of powerbrokers who manipulated the major players of the world, founded in Europe hundreds of years ago as a mystic Christian organisation. Opposed by the Catholic Church, they went underground and survived to modern day.

The hierarchy was built around a playing card terminology, implying a potential connection with the Royal Flush Gang that was never established. Each suit in the Arcana had a specific domain: politics for the Clubs; mind and emotion for Hearts; battle for the Spades; and finance for the Diamonds.

The Arcana recruited Maxwell Lord to have a set of eyes inside the JLI organisation. For similar reasons, they arranged for Blue Devil to join the JLA. (Both Lord and Blue Devil were more loyal to the League than to the Arcana, however.) Later, when Lord had become the second Lord Havoc due to a merging with the Kilg%re, he assumed leadership of the Arcana. The organisation's Queen of Spades tried to stop him, but failed. Lord Havoc eventually destroyed the entire Arcana organisation.


For a definitive list of appearances of Arcana in chronological order click here