Created by Jerry Ordway and Jim Fern (Joe Martin); Roger Stern and Bob McLeod (Atomic Skull II)

Atomic Skull (Joe Martin).png
Atomic Skull II (Joe Martin)


Real Name: Joe Martin
Full Name: Joseph Martin
Citizenship: American
Marital Status: Single
Base of Operation: Metropolis
Group Affiliation(s): Global Ultra Society of Dread
Gender: Male
Height: 6'
Weight: 185 lbs.
Eyes: Black
Hair: None
First Appearance: (as Joe Martin): Adventures of Superman #483 (October 1991)
(as Atomic Skull II): Action Comics #670 (October 1991)
Creators: Jerry Ordway and Jim Fern (Joe Martin); Roger Stern and Bob McLeod (Atomic Skull II)


After the Dominators' gene bomb hit Earth during the Invasion!, many humans found their metagenes triggered and gained superpowers. One of them was Joseph Martin, who suddenly found himself possessing superhuman strength, endurance, and the ability to shoot powerful energy blasts. Furthermore, he lost all his hair, giving him a skull-like appearance. After being beaten up by hoodlums, Martin suffered extensive brain damage and lost his grip of reality. Inspired by a TV serial about a superhero called 'the Atomic Skull' (whose looks were seemingly based on the original villain called Atomic Skull), Martin adopted a costume and roamed Metropolis as the new Atomic Skull. In his own confused mind, he sees himself as the hero, while Superman is a threat to humanity that needs to be terminated. Atomic Skull is not a super-villain per se, but has sometimes been manipulated by criminals.

Except for the likeness with the TV version, there is no connection between Martin and Atomic Skull I.


For a definitive list of appearances of Atomic Skull in chronological order click here


Who's Who in the DC Universe Update 1993 #2 (January 1993)

Superman Villains Secret Files #1 (June 1998)