Created by Fabian Nicieza and Kevin Maguire


Occupation: Green Lantern
Homeworld: Earth-922 (Elseworlds)
Space Sector: 2814
Citizenship: American
Marital Status: Single
Base of Operation: Formerly Gotham City
Gender: Female
Hair: Red
First Appearance: JLA: Created Equal #1 (2000)
Creators: Fabian Nicieza and Kevin Maguire


A member of the Green Lantern Corps and the Justice League, freelance artist Kyle Rayner wore the emerald power ring as the heroic Green Lantern. For all its power the ring could not save him when an irradiated cosmic cloud passed over the Earth and days later virtually every male humanoid perished in what would become known as "The Fall."

The power ring was found by Maria Contranetti, a self-described "militant comedienne" who performed her act in Radu's Coffee Shop, below Rayner's apartment. Contranetti saw the ring as her opportunity to take for herself all she felt she was denied in life. This put her at odds with the Justice League.

The world's greatest metahumans, the Justice League was needed more than ever to help in the wake of the global catastrophe. Dozens of the world's female metahumans and Superman, only one of two male survivors, served the League.

The League's efforts were coordinated by Barbara Gordon, known to the world as Oracle. She dispatched the Leaguers as well as reservists against internal and external threats. Jade was part of a League strike force that defeated the latest plans of the alien conqueror Starro.

Maria Contranetti had been a recurring problem to the League and had always managed to elude them. Eighteen weeks after the Fall, Contranetti was resting on a tropical island when the Justice League found her. Wonder Woman appealed for Contranetti's help in locating the source of the Fall in deep space. Contranetti flatly refused and immediately attacked the Amazon and the accompanying Justice Leaguers. The ring wielder was captured by Wonder Woman and Zatanna but it was Hawk, the former Hawkgirl, that took back the power ring.

The power ring was given to Barbara Gordon, a choice that was approved by the Green Lantern Corps. Gordon would give up her role as Oracle for a more important mission. She would trace the path of the cosmic storm back to its point of origin. The power ring restored her mobility, giving her the use of her legs after so long.

A new world government was established, its capital was on Paradise Island. There was hope for the human race when it was revealed Lois Lane had the first pregnancy since the Fall. The reappearance of Lex Luthor was a surprise to the world at large. He claimed Superman was a carrier for the Fall due to his unique Kryptonian metabolism. After studies concluded Luthor was correct, Superman exiled himself from Earth. He would travel through space to find an antidote for the disease. Through in-vitro-fertilization the world would begin to repopulate. The next generation would be part Kryptonian. -JLA: Created Equal #1

Barbara Gordon spent two years in space, tracking the Fall's cosmic history. She returned with enough information for Doctor Light to study for the next ten years.

Six years after the Fall, the world realized the hybrid Kryptonian children were developing powers far sooner than expected. Adam Kent, son of Lois Lane and Superman, developed powers when he was five, with catastrophic results. Decisions were quickly made that would involve close supervision of the Children of the Spring over the next decade.

Sixteen years after the fall, Superman returned from his journeys in deep space. He would remain on the moon, in the Justice League Watchtower for fear of reintroducing the Fall to Earth. He brought back an antidote he had been given in the Antares Nebula, an antidote which did not work on him due to his super powerful immune system.

Unbeknownst to all, Lex Luthor had been using the technology of the late Steve Dayton, known as the super hero Mento, to subvert the male Children of the Spring. His power was increased by a telepathic amplifier composed of super humans, aliens and robots. Psi-Phon, Twister, Platinum, Mindboggler, a member of Soyuz and another super human had been captured by Luthor and helpless against his will. Using this telepathic power, Luthor convinced the three hundred super powered male children to join him in Superman's arctic Fortress of Solitude. For two months there was no sign of the children anywhere on Earth until Luthor was ready to make their presence known.

Green Lantern spread the news of their location to the rest of the Justice League. Nine Leaguers were attacked by three hundred super humans, all goaded to violence by Lex Luthor. Fire, the Atom and Troia fell. They could not use their full powers against the boys for risk of critically injuring them or the other Justice Leaguers and they were sorely outnumbered. Supergirl and Green Lantern then Starfire, Hawk, Doctor Light and finally Wonder Woman were overcome. Luthor then led the male children in an attack on Paradise Island. The Amazons were quickly overrun. His foes defeated, Luthor then turned on the children of Superman, subjecting them to kryptonite radiation.

Watching helplessly from the moon, Superman was left with no other choice. He returned to Earth, regardless of the risk of exposing the children to the Fall. In the ensuing battle with Luthor, the Man of Steel's armor was torn apart, subjecting him to the kryptonite radiation and the male children to the Fall. It was discovered the antidote was able to take effect when Superman was weakened by the kryptonite. Luthor was defeated with the help of Wonder Woman and the lives of the children were spared.

Days later, the Justice League dismantled Luthor's telepathic amplifier in the Fortress of Solitude. Green Lantern discovered approximately one hundred male babies Luthor had been raising in secret. He planed to remake the world in his image after he had gotten rid of Superman's children following their conquest of the Earth at his command.

With approximately seven hundred children, many with superhuman powers, it is expected the human race will one more prosper. No further information is available. -JLA: Created Equal #2


As a Green Lantern, Barbara Gordon possessed a power ring and power battery.


For a definitive list of appearances of Barbara Gordon (JLA: Created Equal) in chronological order click here