 BLACK X (Richard Spencer)BIOGRAPHY
Created by Will Eisner


Real Name: Richard Spencer
Aliases: Black Ace, Espionage; Note: Richard Spencer was possibly an alias
Occupation: Spy
Marital Status: Presumed Single
Base of Operation: Mobile, but based in Washington DC
Group Affiliation(s): Army Intelligence
Gender: Male
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black (briefly blond)
Distinguishing Features: wears a monocle over right eye
First Appearance: Feature Funnies #13 (October 1938) [Quality]
Creators: Will Eisner


Reported to the newspapers on December 23, 1937 was an aircraft crash with one fatality, Richard Spencer, a Washington DC bureaucrat. Known in the circles of foreign governments as a special operative, they rejoiced in his death. However, Richard Spencer was really alive as the crash was faked. He began operating as Black X, a man with no history.

Aided by his manservant, Batu, Black X shunned any publicity for his deeds feeling it was vital to his work to remain unknown before and during World War II. He was well known in espionage circles, even coming to the attention of the beautiful assassin and spy for hire known only as Madame Doom. Foiling her plans several times, X was ready to leave his career to be with her, only to have her turn him over to her employers.

After the US entry into the War, Black X became a constant foil in the Axis plans for destroying the Allies. Operating around the world, he came under the command of Major Atwater, with whom he served until the war ended.

After the end of the war, X became known as a war hero, and moved in the circles of the elite of business, politics and society. He took great delight in solving crime cases, often outshining the local police, to the dismay of Detective Beef Barton.

His last recorded case was in 1949.


Black X is an excellent hand to hand fighter. He is often aided by his manservant, Batu, who uses his mystical skills to aid X.

During a mission before becoming Black X, he was blinded in his right eye by Kanu-Kan, wearing a monocle to conceal that fact.


For a definitive list of appearances of Black X in chronological order click here