Created by Joe Kelly & Brent Anderson

Brotherhood of the Cold Flame.gif
Art by Brent Anderson


Homeworld: various
Base of Operation: mobile
First Appearance: Green Lantern: Legacy: The Last Will & Testament of Hal Jordan (2002)
Creators: Joe Kelly & Brent Anderson


After three billion years of imprisonment in the Central Power Battery, the creature known as Parallax was able to escape. In order to do so, it and former Green Lantern Sinestro of Korugar had manipulated Hal Jordan into betraying everything he stood for. Hal Jordan attacked his fellow ring wielders and made his way to Oa, where claimed the energies of the Central Power Battery for his own. The now-powerless Green Lantern Corps was left scattered across the stars.

A full accounting of the survivors has yet to be made. Some were recruited by the Darkstars, others were hunted down by the Green Lantern slayer known as Fatality. Some formed their own groups to follow the ideals of the Corps. A number of angry and vengeful Green Lanterns found one another and pledged an oath. As the Brotherhood of the Cold Flame, they bound together in honor of their fallen comrades and to heal the scars of the past. They traveled from world to world building monument after monument to the dead, but they also sought revenge.

Angry by the betrayal of one of their own, the Brotherhood of the Cold Flame tapped the arcane arts of a hundred different worlds. They used Kilowog of Bolovax Vik as their instrument of vengeance. In death as in life, the people of Bolovax Vik shared a part of a unified consciousness. Kilowog was ripped from the uni-mind, past the claws of the sadistic Xadai, demons charged with guarding the afterworld. Kilowog was resurrected as the Dark Lantern. His sole purpose was to eradicate the legacy of Hal Jordan.

One of the planets visited by the Brotherhood of the Cold Flame was Xudar , homeworld of the legendary Green Lantern Tomar-Re and his successor, Tomar-Tu. Without a Green Lantern to protect Space Sector 2813, Xudar had been set back two thousand years after it was devastated by a horde of energy-devouring Hellocusts. This was not the reason the Brotherhood of the Cold Flame came to Xudar. As they had on other worlds, the Brotherhood of the Cold Flame built a monument to Green Lantern Tomar-Tu, who had died in battle with Hal Jordan.

One of the last things they expected to see was a young boy named Marty Jordan who claimed to be the son of Hal Jordan. Of greater interest was the fact that he carried a power ring. Marty Jordan was accompanied by Tom Kalmaku, a close friend of Hal Jordan. Both were seeking to right the wrongs committed by the former Green Lantern. Four members voted to use Marty Jordan and the power ring he possessed. Boodikka was the only objection; she would have no part of it and left the Brotherhood, cursing her former comrades.

Marty and Tom attempted to use the ring to create things to help the Xudarians but were attacked by the Dark Lantern. The surprise and brutal nature of the attack caught Marty Jordan off guard and he dropped the power ring. One member of the Brotherhood of the Cold Flame attempted to take the fallen ring but it, Marty and Tom vanished. - Green Lantern: Legacy: The Last Will & Testament of Hal Jordan

Later events involving the Xadai would lead to Kilowog’s complete resurrection and his return to the Green Lantern Corps. Under separate circumstances, Hal Jordan was freed from the Parallax entity and also returned to life and the Green Lantern Corps. The current disposition of the Brotherhood of the Cold Flame is not yet known. - Green Lantern Vol. 3 #165 - 166, 168 - 169, Green Lantern: Rebirth 1 - 6


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