Created by France Herron and Fred Ray


Real Name: Horace Calhoon
Identity: Public
Occupation: Sargent in the US Revolutionary Army, later gun for hire
Status: Active during the Revolutionary War
Place of Birth: Connecticut
Citizenship: American
Marital Status: Unrevealed
Base of Operation: Mobile
Group Affiliation(s): Tomahawk's Rangers
Gender: Male
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
First Appearance: Tomahawk #83 (November-December 1962)
Creators: France Herron and Fred Ray


A freedom fighter during the Revolutionary War, and one of Tomahawk's Rangers.


After the beginning of the Revolutionary War, Horace Calhoon of Connecticut joined the United States Army, rising rapidly to the rank of Sergeant. During a battle with British troops, the American soldiers ran out of cannonballs for their cannons. Calhoon grabbed up large rocks on the hillside and began to throw them at the advancing army. His barrage was so heavy and accurate that he succeeded in fending off the superior numbers of the British.

His superiors were so impressed, he quickly acquired the nickname 'Cannonball' and was recommended to aid Tomahawk in forming a Detached Service Unit to be called The Rangers and to be his second-in-command.

After serving his country, Cannonball was mustered out of the US Army after the end of the War, but had trouble finding work. Now an old man, he fell in with a gang of raiders who were terrorizing the countryside of the untamed West. After meeting up with his old boss, Tomahawk, Cannonball came to realize the errors of his ways and joined with the former War Hero to kill off the raiders before they could attack the small town near Tomahawk's home.


Horace Calhoon was a skilled soldier, with a very good eye and an innovative approach to battle tactics.


For a definitive list of appearances of Cannonball in chronological order click here