 Unofficial City Boy Index

City Boy 1


Cover Date: July 2023
Cover Price: $3.99
Publication Date: 2023-05-23


Cover Credits:
Art: Minkyu Jung (signed)
Colors: Sunny Gho

Variant Covers:
Cover B
Art: InHyuk Lee (signed)
Cover C
(1:25 Variant)
Art: Michael Choi (signed)
Cover D
(1:50 Character Design Variant)
Art: Minkyu Jung
Cover E
(AAPI Heritage Month Variant)
Art: Alexandre Tefenkgi

Story: "City Boy" (22 Pages)


StoryGreg Pak
ArtMinkyu Jung
ColorsSunny Gho
LetteringWes Abbott
EditingJessica Chen
Group editingBen Abernathy

Feature Character(s):

City Boy (last in Lazarus Planet: Legends Reborn #1/3; also in flashback to childhood in between flashback in issue #5 and flashback issue #3, and in flashback to ten years ago in between flashbacks in issue #2)

Supporting Character(s):

Fujimoto (first appearance)
Carlia Kim (first appearance; Cameron's mother; in flashback in between flashback in issue #5 and flashback issue #4)
Cameron's grandfather (first appearance; in flashback preceding flashback in issue #3)


Darkseid (last in ???; next in ???)
Intergang (also in flashback)
Bruno Mannheim
Doctor Mokkarison (in flashback to 10 years earlier)
Moon Cut (first appearance; a Metropolis crime cartel)
Boss Chung (first appearance; leader of Moon Cut; last in flashback in issue #2)


United States of America
Chen Restaurant


Story continues in the next issue.


First seen in Wildstorm 30th Anniversary Special and Lazarus Planet: Legends Reborn, there's a new Korean hero named...City Boy! Or at least, that's the best translation of what the cities call him. City Boy, a.k.a. Cameron Kim, is just trying to make a living by using his powers of being able to speak to cities to find lost and hidden goods to pawn, and it's only just enough to get by. And those abilities mean he hears everything everywhere all the time, including each city's histories and the truths behind them. (It's very loud in his head and something he has to live with.) As his powers get stronger, the cities start forming animal avatars from scraps in order to physically travel alongside him on his adventures. Of course, Gotham is a rat avatar made of city scraps, but what about Metropolis, Blüdhaven, Amnesty Bay, or even Themyscira? And not all cities are so kind...