Unofficial DC vs. Vampires Index |
Cover Date: November 2022
Cover Price: $3.99
Publication Date: 2022-09-27
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Cover Credits:
Art: Guillem March (signed)
Colors: Guillem March
Story | James Tynion IV, Matthew Rosenberg |
Art | Otto Schmidt |
Colors | Otto Schmidt |
Lettering | Tom Napolitano |
Editing | Ben Abernathy |
Feature Character(s):
- Batgirl (Barbara Gordon)
- Black Canary
- Frankenstein
- Green Arrow
- Grifter (last in WildC.A.T.s Vol. 2 #7, pages 14-15, panel 1)
- Harley Quinn
- Jayna
- Mera (also as Black Manta)
- Robin (Damian Wayne)
- Steel
- Supergirl
- Vampires
Other Character(s):
- Human prisoners at the Camp Hiawatha Blood Farm
- Earth-63
- Australia
- United States of America
- Gotham City
- Smallville
- Camp Hiawatha Blood Farm
- This story takes place outside of the mainline DCU continuity.
- Story is continued from the previous issue and continues in the next issue.
Story Reprinted in:
- DC vs. Vampires #2 ([June] 2023)
The war for Earth takes a decisive turn as the heroes prepare to strike back! Can Supergirl and her team in Australia escape to space? Will the Birds of Prey's infiltration of Gotham City go unnoticed by the Vampire King? Can Green Arrow save the human cattle from the Blood Farm? The shocking answers await!