Created by David V Reed and Paul Norris


Occupation: Scientific Investigator
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: None
Base of Operation: Washington, D.C.
Group Affiliation(s): The Department of Scientific Investigation; The Scienceers (honorary member); The Gestalt
Gender: Male
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 185 lbs.
Eyes: Brown with gray temples, Moustache
Hair: Brown
First Appearance: Strange Adventures Vol. 1 #1/2 (August-September 1950): "The Girl Who Couldn't Die"
Creators: David V Reed and Paul Norris


Darwin Jones has been investigating unusual phenomena since the 1950s.


America in the 1950s was a land of amazement. A place of strange adventures and tales of the unexpected. Space aliens invaded Earth, scientific experiments went awry, and alternate realities were found. Behind every corner, there would be a radioactive device, a giant robot, or a flying saucer.

In such a place, the scientist was the hero.

The governmental organ known as the Department of Scientific Investigation was founded in 1950 to encounter the scientific mysteries of the era, and to help the Americans encounter any dangers that would arise with them. One of the chief investigators of the Department was a Darwin Jones, a man with great scientific knowledge and a deductive mind. This middle-aged, mild-mannered fellow was to become one of America's greatest national heroes of the decade.

The science detective assisted his country on many cases of various nature. Be it space aliens or mad scientists, new-found civilizations or technological devices running amuck, Darwin Jones was there to help solve the problem. And America loved him, following his exploits in the papers and on television.

To his help, Jones often had a young boy named Tommy Dane, club president of a group of science-interested youngsters called the Scienceers, of which Darwin Jones himself became an honorary member.

Since the early 1960s, Darwin Jones has not been seen much in public. During the world-shattering event known as the Crisis, he used his skills to investigate the mysterious time and space disturbances caused by the Anti-Monitor. After the disaster was averted, however, he quickly disappeared from the limelight.

A few years ago, it was revealed that Jones had joined with a group of scientists (including reknowned colleague Anton Kraft) to create a computer intelligence called "the Gestalt". A "revolutionary brain implant was able to link their minds to the Gestalt and each other, enabling specialists in different fields of science to share their knowledge directly. However, this Gestalt was indirectly responsible for the creation of the chaotic artificial being called the Humbug, subsequently defeated by the second Atom. The current whereabouts of the Gestalt, it any, are unknown.

The Great Sleuth was last seen investigating a series of cattle mutilations in Ohio. Although frequently being called for by the authorities when his expertise is needed, and being somewhat active as a scientific article writer, Darwin Jones is now quite old and mostly retired.


Darwin Jones did not have any extranormal powers, relying solely on his brain in his cases. He had a vast knowledge in several areas of science, and a great deductive mind. When connected to the Gestalt, he shared his own mind with the computer-mind as well as the other scientists connected to it, enabling them to share their knowledge directly and create a collective super-intelligence. Jones was first and foremost a detective, secondly a scientist, but never saw himself as a hero.


For a definitive list of appearances of Darwin Jones in chronological order click here


Who's Who: Update '87 #2 (September 1987)