DOLL MAN I (Darrel Dane) | BIOGRAPHY |
Created by William Erwin Maxwell (Will Eisner?) |
Real Name: Darrel Dane
Occupation: Research chemist, later forensic scientist; Adventurer
Marital Status: presumed single
Known Relatives: None
Base of Operation: Unknown
Group Affiliation(s): Freedom Fighters; All-Star Squadron
Height: 6' (as Doll Man: 6")
Weight: 190 lbs. (as Doll Man: almost 2 lbs.)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black
First Appearance: Feature Comics #27 (December 1939) [Quality]
Creators: William Erwin Maxwell (Will Eisner?)
Long before the Atom, there was Doll Man, a diminutive hero who worked with the Freedom Fighters during the World War Two era and beyond. Surprisingly, considering how unknown he is as a hero, a young man with similar powers is now using the name and costume - whether or not he is a relation is unknown.
In the summer of 1939 graduate student Darrel Dane developed a formula for shrinking living creatures. Having successfully tested the fluid on a rat with great results, Darrel considered testing it on a human being. The fluid however contained highly toxic ingredients so it was still undrinkable to humans, so Darrel asked Doctor Roberts, the father of his fiance, if he thought it would be possible to adapt the formula so that it would be harmless to humans. The professor theorized that if he added one part of Aqua Regia to ten parts formula it should be harmless. Darrel then gave the new formula a shot and having finished it he tested it on himself to the professor strong objections. He was then shrunk to a size of six inches high, but he somehow retained the strength of a normal-sized man.
Martha, his fiancee, who knew about the experiments, was thrilled to see that he had succeeded in his quest, but when she asked him to take the antidote and grow back Darrel told her that there was none and that they had to wait till the formula wore off if it ever did. Although a bit shocked Martha took the news quite well, and before long she had made Darrel a small outfit that he could wear in his current state.
Later that evening, he helped Martha foil a blackmail plot against her. Finding that he could, through intense concentration, alter his height between the two extremes, he began crimefighting as The Doll Man late in the summer of 1939.
Arriving late for a summons from Uncle Sam, both he and another "mystery-man", Midnight, were sent (instead of to the Pacific Ocean to battle the Japanese Navy) to occupied Paris, France, where the two aided underground freedom fighters in battling the Nazis. Learning of a plot to attack America's West Coast, the two made their way to the first full meeting of the All-Star Squadron, and rallied some of the heroes into defending the coast. Doll Man joined with this splinter group and spent the majority of the war aiding The Freedom Fighters.
Some years after the war, while on a case, he deeply wished that Martha could also join him in his small size. Somehow, his wish was granted and Martha joined him for several years as his partner, Doll Girl.
It was recently learned that Dane had gone to work for the government and had become trapped at his six inch height while trying to replicate the experiment that gave him his powers. He had been able to treat a number of other soldiers and they have been living in a secret area under the Pentagon, unaging. They were recently freed by Uncle Sam and his current roster of the Freedom Fighters. His alias has been assumed by former SHADE agent Lester Colt.
Teen heroes with the names Doll Man and Doll Girl were seen at a recruitment drive for Titans L.A., but it is unknown if they are any relation.
Doll Man, in his six inch size, had all the strength and stamina as in his six foot form. He used his size and weight to his advantage, adapting his fighting skills to throwing himself into his foes and secreting himself when needed.
He used different methods of transport, among them: Elmo, a loyal Great Dane trained to respond to voice commands, a toy airplane and in later years, a miniature flying saucer.
For a definitive list of appearances of Doll Man in chronological order click here
Who's Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe #7 (September 1985)