Created by Arnold Drake (writer), John Prentice (art)


Real Name: Fred Farrell, Jr.
Aliases: "Young Smoky"
Occupation: Firefighter, later Fire Commissioner
Homeworld: Earth
Citizenship: American
Known Relatives: Fred "Old Smoky" Farrell (father, deceased), Beth Farrell (mother)
Base of Operation: Center City, later Gotham City and Metropolis
Group Affiliation(s): Fire Departments of Center City, Gotham City and Metropolis
Gender: male
Eyes: brown
Hair: brown
First Appearance: Showcase #1 (March-April 1956)
Creators: Arnold Drake (writer), John Prentice (art)


One could say that Fred Farrell Jr. had firefighting in his blood. His father had been a firefighting volunteer in his hometown before moving to Center City and joining the regular department. Even when he became an officer he was still „the first man into the smoke“ which gained him the respectful nickname, „Old Smoky“. It would also cost him his life, leaving his wife, Beth, and his young son behind.

Young Fred later joined the Center City Fire Department as a probationary fireman. Very conscious of his father´s fame, he tried to keep a low profile and was well liked by most of his colleagues. However, fellow fireman Red Miller contended that Farrell was trying to cash in on hhis faather´s reputation which lead to several near-brawls between the two young men. On the day of theur final exam, Farrell and Miller led separate teams to a practice fire which raged out of control. Miller entered the burning building only to be overwhelmed by carbon dioxide, and Farrell carried him to safety. The following morning, the newspaper´s headline read „’Young Smoky’ In Gallant Rescue“. - Showcase #1

One of Farrell´s next assignments while with Center City´s Hook-and-Ladder Company 77 involved the safety inspection of a carnival ground. Freak show owner Phil Baylor decided to save the $100 a licensed pyro-technician would have cost him for supervising the show´s fireworks and started a blaze. Additional complications consisted of a boy cut off by the flames, a lion on the loose, and a baby elephant who had climbed the scenic railway to escape the flames. Farrell saved the day (and his charges), and Baylor got arrested. - Showcase #1

Among the biggest threats faced by Center City´s Fire department was the possible refusal of a pay increase for the firemen – a hot topic which aroused the interest of cigarette-smoking Edgar R. Meadow, host of National Television Network´s documentary show, „Let´s Take a Look“. His reporter Ed followed the Hook-and-Ladder Company 77 around town, interviewing people with wildly differing views. A warehouse fire at the waterfront threatened the harbor, and shifting winds made the flames unpredictable. Warehouse owner Conrad was filmed while triying to do away with evidence for criminal negligence, and Center City´s voters voted for the pay increase. - Showcase #1

Several years and countless fires later, Fireman Farrell got involved in an alien invasion and fought side-by-side with many heroes, some of them time-displaced, others so obscure that they were never seen again. It is quite possible that this part of his life story has been altered by the Crisis or Zero Hour events. - Showcase #100

Shortly afterwards, Fred Farrell was fighting fires in Gotham City when a terrorist group led by the mysterious Thanatos was staging explosive assaults on the city´s monuments. Batman defeated Thanatos and even arrested Amos Fortune in the process, - Batman Vol. 1 #305/1

Later Fireman Farrell did all he could during the event later known as the Crisis (the first of many, as it was). Whle other heroes fought to save their universes, Farrell fought the flames as always. - Crisis on Infinite Earths #7

In recent years, Fred Farrell was named Fire Commissioner of Metropolis, now directing the fights against the blazes, but never far from the frontline. - Action Comics #693


For a definitive list of appearances of Fireman Farrell in chronological order click here