Created by Chuck Dixon and Joe Staton |
Occupation: Green Lantern
Status: Active
Homeworld: Karax
Space Sector: 424
Group Affiliation(s): Green Lantern Corps
Sector Partner: Vode-M
Gender: Male
Eyes: Unknown
Hair: Black (beard)
First Appearance: Guy Gardner #11 (August 1993): "Yesterday's Sins: Part 1 of 4 - Back in the Days"
Creators: Chuck Dixon and Joe Staton
Investigating an alien starship entering his sector at the edge of the Stromar Nebula, Graf Toren of Karax was abducted by creatures known as the Draal.
The Draal would abduct Green Lanterns, clone them, and steal their rings. A creature called a xanoglyph would be used to probe the Green Lantern's mind, transferring the thoughts and memories to the clone. The clone would then go back to the Green Lantern's sector. When the Draal were ready, they would strike on many worlds at one time. It is possible the Draal kept the Green Lanterns in case of any unforeseen needs.
Graf Toren had been a prisoner for a few months before Guy Gardner was captured. Graf appeared to be a leader of sorts for the captive Green Lanterns. He respected Gardner, who fought back against the Draal. Graf Toren regarded Gardner as a warrior, and would assist in his escape plans.
Working with Bivvix, Gpaak and Voz, they had to forcibly convince RRU-9-2 of the viability of their plan.
Using the battery cell of the robotic RRU-9-2, the gelatinous Gpaak carried the terminal to the high density neuron force field holding them in their cell. Gpaak was blasted into globules, but was able to reconstitute himself. Together with Gardner, the Green Lanterns were able to take control of the Draal ship. Following his request, the Green Lanterns left Guy Gardner on Earth to fight his clone.
Alongside Justice League America, Guy hammered away at his clone before triangulating the clone's location for transport. The clone was brought aboard the formerly Draal ship and stripped of its yellow power ring. The Qwardian ring was then sent to its rightful owner. The Green Lanterns headed out to get their power rings back from their own replicas.
At some point in his career as a Green Lantern, Graf Toren had been saved by Hal Jordan during the border skirmishes of Space Sector 2321. He had also become a friend of Probert, to whom he spoke of Guy Gardner with a great deal of respect.
Graf Toren was part of the line that attempted to defend Oa from Hal Jordan. He was defeated by Jordan, who then took his ring, stripping Graf Toren of his power, and further enhancing his own. Others tried to stop Jordan and failed.
Graf Toren was found among a dozen dead, ringless Green Lanterns floating in space, by Probert and Guy Gardner's Justice League Task Force. Probert had built a funeral pyre for his fallen friend.
Unbeknownst to the Guardians of the Universe and the rest of the Green Lantern Corps, Graf Toren and fellow Lanterns Ke'Haan of Varva, Laira of Jayd, Tomar-Tu of Xudar, Jack T. Chance of Garnet, Hannu of Ovacron Six, and Boodikka of Bellatrix, were not dead.
By circumstances yet to be revealed, the lost Lanterns were taken captive by the Manhunters and were brought to their homeworld Biot in Space Sector 3601. More than thirty Green Lanterns had been taken over the years.
When the Green Lantern Corps was restored, some of the captive Green Lanterns were used to access the Central Power Battery on Oa for both energy and information, while others were to be placed inside the massive Manhunter Highmasters. One of the lanterns, Tomar-Tu, was able to escape, leading Green Lanterns of Earth Hal Jordan and Guy Gardner to mount an unauthorized Search and Rescue mission.
Though Jordan’s actions were crucial to the destruction of Biot and rescue of fellow Lanterns, they would not soon forget their previous battle with Jordan during his time as Parallax.
As a Green Lantern, Graf Toren possesses a power ring and power battery.
For a definitive list of appearances of Graf Toren in chronological order click here (1993-2011) and here (2011-present)
Green Lantern/Sinestro Corps Secret Files #1 (February 2008)