Created by Beau Smith, Phil Jimenez, David Brewer, Mitch Byrd and Rick Mays


Aliases: Warrior
Homeworld: Earth
Known Relatives: Lumita (daughter); Gunner Gardner (possible great-grandson); Stonewall Fencer, Manzo Gardner, Crocker Gardner, Buxton Gardner (possible decendents)
Gender: Male
Hair: Red
First Appearance: Guy Gardner: Warrior Annual #2 (1996): "Once Upon A Time..."; "Hypersensitive: A Changer For All Reasons"; "See My Finger. See My Thumb. See My Fist? You Better Run!"; "Dateless in a One Gender Town"
Creators: Beau Smith, Phil Jimenez, David Brewer, Mitch Byrd and Rick Mays


Untold millennia in the future, the Earth had died and its children scattered to the stars. The legends of Earth's heroes were carried to the stars by those that survived. In the late 20th Century, Guy Gardner established the super-hero themed Warriors bar and restaurant. Thousands of years later, Warriors was a massive complex, based on an asteroid in a blue sun system.

It was Gardner's daughter, Lumita, who greeted guests at Warriors and supplied them with cybertronic inducers, replicas of the device given to Guy Gardner himself. The inducer would enable a sentient being to relive the legends of Guy Gardner through cortex leveling. One could experience the adventure without ever leaving their physical shells. One day, three Hykraian tourists chose stories from the inducer which told parts of Gardner's legend and tales of those he had inspired. The inducer would first introduce a viewer to the early history of Gardner, his becoming a Green Lantern and then his rebirth as Warrior.

One tale dealt with Garland Marsh, a member of the Postal Guilde Local 374 on the rain-drenched world of Gardner's Green. Marsh was to deliver the cybertronic inducer to Gardner's Green for safekeeping but a changer, a sentient with the ability to alter his or her form, had gone insane and attacked the post office outside of Gardnergrad. Stonewall Fencer, a changer who claimed he was a direct descendant of Guy Gardner himself, fought the changer turned dragon, slaying him. Both had come searching for the inducer, never learning Garland Marsh held it.

Another tale involved a quartet of children on the planet Arkayo. Gunner Gardner and his friends possessed the cybertronic inducer, unaware of what it represented. A hostile alien race did, and would stop at nothing to retrieve it. Gunner Gardner touched the inducer, somehow activating it and changing time and place with Guy Gardner. Inexplicably, Guy Gardner possessed his Warrior powers and memories but was still a child like Gunner. The young Guy Gardner and Gunner's friends Risa, Bucky and Tiger-Boy were able to defeat the aliens and send them packing. Guy was then able to touch the inducer, returning himself to the 20th Century and Gunner to his proper time.

The final tale revolved around the Gardner Girls, Cocker, Manzo and Buxton. They were on the trail of Lizzie Jordan, an outlaw that had stolen the cybertronic inducer from them. They tracked her to the planet Prozack and the city of Steinham, a one gender town. Jordan and her gang were to be found it a saloon outside of Steinham called the Busted Lantern. The sisters easily beat Jordan's gang, leaving Lizzie and Cocker to a final showdown. Both wore power rings, weapons that projected devastating energy blasts from their hands. Both drew their rings but Jordan was startled by the appearance of the Warrior, an inexplicable side effect of the cybertronic inducer's proximity to Cocker Gardner. Lizzie Jordan lost the showdown, the blast of yellow ring energy cut right through her. The Gardner Girls reclaimed the inducer, heading out once more for adventure.

The Hykraians were so impressed by the tales they wished to purchase more tales to experience. Warriors' symbionic library had all they would need. Lumita would pass the happy customers' compliments to her father, Guy Gardner, who had survived over the course of millennia. - Guy Gardner: Warrior Annual #2


For a definitive list of appearances of Guy Gardner in chronological order click here