Created by Edmond Hamilton and John Forte

The Original Universe


Status: Active
Current Members:
Base of Operation: Lallor
Space Sector: Unidentified
First Appearance: Adventure Comics #324 (September 1964): "Part I: The Legion of Super-Outlaws!"
Creators: Edmond Hamilton and John Forte



A group of 5 natives of the planet Lallor born with strange abilities due to mutations induced by the fallout radiations of a previous nuclear holocaust. Gathered by scientists, they grew together. Ilshu Nor a.k.a. Beast Boy (II) was able to assume the form of any animal; Somi Gan a.k.a. Life Lass could animate objects at will; Sev Tcheru a.k.a. Evolvo Lad could "devolve" or "evolve" his body and assume primitive and aggressive forms as well as ultradevelopped and highly intelligent forms of humanity. Tal Nahil a.k.a. Gas Girl could change his body to gaseous form. Ord Quelu a.k.a. Duplicate Boy could duplicate other people's powers.

Exiled for political reasons, they were at first manipulated to oppose the Legion of Super-Heroes but soon rallied and befriended the legionnaires. Later, they returned to Lallor where they became planetary champions. Through the years, they protected their home world from various menaces and cataclysms, Beast Boy was killed in action and Duplicate Boy became involved in a romance with legionnaire Shrinking Violet. The Heroes of Lallor participated in the war against Darkseid and his army of Daxamites and later fought the Khund occupation force on Lallor.


For a definitive list of appearances of Heroes of Lallor in chronological order click here


Who's Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe #10 (December 1985)

Who's Who in the Legion of Super-Heroes #3 (July 1988)