Created by Van Jensen; Bernard Chang



Status: Active
Space Sector: Unidentified
Group Affiliation (current): Green Lantern Corps
Gender: Male
Hair: None
First Appearance: (Durlan impostor): Green Lantern Corps Vol. 3 #28 (April 2014)
(actual): Green Lantern Corps Vol. 3 #29 (May 2014)
Creators: Van Jensen; Bernard Chang


At some point prior to or during the Green Lantern Corps war with the Durlans, Lantern Hwaal was abducted, stripped of his power ring and taken prisoner. A Durlan took his place, as had others of the shape-shifting race and they infiltrated the Corps.
When Lantern Soranik Natu had been abducted, her sector partner Iolande was assigned Hwaal to assist in the search. Durlans had not taken Natu, rather it was the Sinestro Corps. Normally one of the meekest of the Corps, it was the distinct lack of this characteristic that tipped off Lantern Iolande that something was amiss with her fellow ring wielder.
The real Lantern Hwaal was locked away with other Lanterns on Corona Seven until a massive prison break. Their rings returned to them, the Lanterns overthrew their Khund and Durlan captors. Hwaal was next seen with the Corps on Daxam where they battled the Durlans who were attempting to seize Daxamite physiology. The war would next shift to the planet Zezzen but it is not documented if Hwaal was with the Corps at the time, or if he survived any of the battles.


For a definitive list of appearances of Hwaal in chronological order click here