Created by David de Vries and Dean Zachary


Homeworld: Earth (Elseworld)
Group Affiliation(s): The Hooded Lanterns of the Green
Gender: Male
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 201 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
First Appearance: Green Lantern Annual #3 (1994): "Ring of Evil"
Creators: David de Vries and Dean Zachary


On an Earth where the Third Reich has taken over the world, the power ring was a thing of evil. Reichfuhrer Himmler believed his SS were the elite of Germany and of them he chose twelve Obergruppenfuhrers to form an inner circle of priests. Himmler ordered the town of Wewelsburg be reconstructed in a series of concentric circles radiating outwards from an ancient castle. Beneath the castle's great tower, a sacred flame burned at the center of the crypt.

A demon of immense power was called forth and Himmler and his Obergruppenfuhrers pledged their souls to make their dreams reality. Seeing the "sig rune" or the Bolts of Wotan on a ring on Himmler's hand, the demon tore the souls from his twelve priests, placing them in the ring. Whatever Himmler wished would be his, with the power of the Ring of the Twelve. In a short time the Third Reich had conquered the world.

Thirty years later, Reichfuhrer Himmler had fallen under the spell of Karelia. Abin Strauss, an Obergruppenfuhrer and Himmler's trusted adjutant believed Himmler was being corrupted by Karelia. Using the one weapon capable of killing Himmler, a knife made of iron, Strauss slayed Himmler and took the Ring of the Twelve. Strauss fled as he knew he was not worthy either. It would be another twenty years before he found someone who was.

Flight Lieutenant Hal Jordan was the party's most decorated pilot. On the fiftieth anniversary of the forging of the power ring, Jordan was being honored alongside Major Guy Gardner, Field Commander of the Coast City SS. Strauss was present at the ceremony headed by Karelia. Strauss and the ring knew Jordan and Gardner were worthy. Karelia felt the power ring's presence and Strauss knew he had to flee.

Despite the overwhelming power of the Third Reich, a resistance had still existed. For many years this was represented by the Hooded Lanterns of the Green. They had been led by their warlord, Oliver Queen, who held the title of "Green Arrow." It was on that night Queen passed the Green Arrow of leadership on to John Stewart. The Hooded Lanterns of the Green were cut down by troops led by Guy Gardner. Oliver Queen was killed instantly, John Stewart escaped, though was wounded in the firelight. Stewart's arrow struck Gardner in the left shoulder before the new leader of the Lanterns managed to escape. Under Gardner's orders, a number of Lanterns were still alive to be taken prisoner. Stewart escaped, finding refuge with his lover, Carol Ferris.

Meanwhile, Strauss ran through Coast City, searching for the end of his quest. Hal Jordan was called, the voices in his head having led him to the meeting with Strauss. Others had followed, three otherworldly demons came to take the ring by force. Strauss tore through them but he was dying. The time had come for him to give the ring to Jordan.

Strauss recounted the history of the Ring of the Twelve to Jordan before removing it from his finger. Once he had done so, amber energy arced from his body, taking his life as his soul was absorbed into the ring.

The Ring of the Twelve spoke to Jordan and he knew the power was to be his and his alone. Gardner and two of the SS came to return the ring to the Reich, but Jordan would have none of it. He lashed out with the yellow energy, tearing at those that would conspire to take the ring from him. Jordan was shocked by the ring's fury, but his will had tempered it, allowing Gardner at least, to live.

Unable to reclaim the Ring of the Twelve, Karelia chose to create a new ring. Using the souls of the captured Green Lanterns, an emerald ring was born. Guy Gardner would wield the emerald ring. He would be sent to take the Ring of the Twelve from Jordan.

Jordan was shocked to discover Carol Ferris' affair with John Stewart but left before the arrival of Guy Gardner and his troops. The lovers were taken prisoner and Ferris' property was confiscated and burned.

Gardner took Ferris and Stewart to be tortured but was interrupted by Jordan's arrival. They fought with all the energy they could muster but despite Gardner's power, Jordan was stronger. He defeated Gardner and freed Ferris.

Karelia arrived moments later and revealed her true form, that of a reptilian demon, intent on corrupting Jordan's soul to her own ends. The Ring of the Twelve could not be used on its own creator. Jordan was near defeat when Stewart put an iron tipped arrow through the demon's chest, vaporizing it. The very arrow Gardner used plunged through Jordan, slaying him. His soul joined the Ring of the Twelve.

While Carol Ferris struggled with Gardner, Stewart took the Ring of the Twelve from Jordan's finger. Though the power of the ring tried to force him to submit to its will, Stewart was stronger. He would wield the ring as Green Lantern but first he would have to defeat Guy Gardner. It appeared Gardner would be victorious as Stewart's ring again tried to make him submit. Stewart tried to reach the Warlord and the Lanterns within Gardner's ring to no avail. Soon, another voice emerged from Stewart's ring. It was Jordan's voice, advising Stewart to believe in himself. Stewart was able to thrust Gardner back, impaling his foe on a torture device.

Stewart again called upon the Warlord and Green Lanterns within Gardner's ring. They joined Jordan and the Twelve in Stewart's ring and emerald energy stripped the life from Gardner. The voices in the ring finally fell silent, and Stewart took up his new role. He would be "a lantern of hope and freedom to shine over a new age... of hope and freedom... for all mankind." - Green Lantern Annual #3


For a definitive list of appearances of John Stewart (Green Lantern Annual - Ring of Evil) in chronological order click here