Created by Gardner Fox and Mike Sekowsky

The Original Universe


Aliases: Faceless Hunters
Homeworld: Klaramar
Space Sector: 2814
Star System: Sol
Physical characteristics:
Type: Semi-Humanoid
Eyes: None
Fingers: Four (with opposable thumb)
Toes: Unknown
Skin Color: Orange
Average Height: Varies
Distinguishing Features: The Kalamarians have no facial features
Known Klaramarans: Faceless Hunter from Saturn (Chun Yull); Klee Pan
First Appearance: Strange Adventures Vol. 1 #124 (January 1961): "The Face-Hunter from Saturn!"
Creators: Gardner Fox and Mike Sekowsky


The Klaramarans are a race of orange-skinned aliens originating from the planet Klaramar, a sub-atomic world revolving around an atom on the planet Saturn. As the Klaramarans evolved their visual organs were moved to their ears so they could see all around, their sense of small was transferred to their skin, and they became telepaths and they started absorbing sunlight directly into their bodies for energy they became faceless, losing their eyes, nose and mouth.


For a definitive list of appearances of the Klaramarans in chronological order click here