Created by John Broome and Irwin Hasen


Aliases: The Last Criminal
Occupation: Professional Criminal
Base of Operation: 25th Century Earth
Gender: Male
Height: 6'
Weight: 175 lbs.
Eyes: Blue (surrounded by a mask-like tattoo)
Hair: Brown
First Appearance: Green Lantern Vol. 1 #28/3 (October-November 1947): "The Last Criminal on Earth"
Creators: John Broome and Irwin Hasen


In the year 2447 A.D., a man named Knodar was bored with the absence of criminals in his era. He envied the "romantic" times long gone, when stealing and other criminal activities were a way of getting involved in thrilling adventures, the times when villains and heroes would fight for the sake of the good and for the bad, respectively. In the 25th century, it seemed that science had gotten so advanced that all human needs was taken care of for everyone, and therefore no criminal activities were conducted.

At least, this is Knodar's version of it all. It is known that Eobard Thawne has expressed similar concerns about the lack of heroism and nostalgia of super-heroes in this era, something that ultimately made Thawne become the notorious criminal Professor Zoom, the Reverse-Flash, circa ten years later.

However, neither of these statements is entirely true. There are several proofs of both criminal activities and acts of heroism during these years. For example, just a few years before Knodar's debut, super-villains such as Black Butch and Landor had gained some reputation. Both had been defeated by the Justice Society of America of the 1940s. Moreover, space defense organizations such as the Knights of the Galaxy and the Space Marine Corps had been active for some time, many members of which were famous for their heroism. And there was also the Space Museum, where memories and artifacts of heroic acts were exhibited. About ten years later, there would even be a wing of the Museum devoted to items of super-heroism, something that gave the convicted ex-football player Michael Carter the urge to travel back in time and become the super-hero known as Booster Gold.

What Knodar meant with his statement, was probably that the real, "classic" form of criminality and heroism was a phenomenon of days past. Knodar was inspired by old-fashioned gangster movies and stories about super-villains, probably romanticizing it a lot in his own fashion.

Knodar loved the idea of being a criminal. He started in small-scale and became a thief. After a few thefts, he was captured by the authorities and placed on public display in a cell, as a "social anomaly". Since prison uniforms were no longer mass-produced, Knodar was given a custom-made uniform, covered with "P's", standing for "Prisoner". He would later use this as his regular uniform.

Longing for the time-periods where criminals of his kind were regarded as threats, and not as laughable anachronisms, Knodar actually managed to construct a time travel device, taking him back to the year 1947 A.D. In Gotham City of the era, he formed a gang and begun robbing banks, aided by technology of the 25th century, and using "Knodar, the Last Criminal" as his "nom-de-crime". Knodar really had the time of his life during a few days - everything he had dreamt of had come true.

However, Knodar's activities brought the attention of Alan Scott, the Green Lantern of the 1940s. Scott defeated Knodar together with a man named Dalmyr, who had pursued the villain from 2447. After his defeat, Knodar was brought back to captivity in his own time by Dalmyr.

The Science Council of the 25th century assigned a teacher named Rhya to reeducate Knodar to become an honest citizen. But by scientific means, Knodar managed to switch places and times with Green Lantern in the 1940s. Back in that era, Knodar decided to become a train robber in order to outdo the famous Jesse James, and thereby earn a place in the history books. Green Lantern took Rhya with him back to his own time, defeated Knodar, and sent the both of them back to the 25th century, where Knodar was imprisoned.

Knodar eventually escaped, and attempted to travel to the 23rd century, this time trying to avoid the Green Lantern. Unluckily, Knodar's time machine was faulty and brought him to the 1940s once again. There Knodar took as his partner the actress Ann Hunt, whom he mistook for a legendary criminal. Hunt played along, and, after Knodar had placed Green Lantern in a death trap, she used one of Knodar's own devices to capture the criminal. Then she freed Green Lantern, who sent Knodar back to the 25th century once again.

Knodar has been seen in the past once after the 1940s. Just a few years ago, he appeared again, this time wearing a mask-like tattoo about his eyes. Knodar then clashed with the original Star-Spangled Kid and his (sometimes) girlfriend, Jonni Thunder, who defeated the villain.

Knodar was last seen in our era visiting the House - the super-villain "gambling club" owned by the villainous Roulette.

The subsequent fate of Knodar is as yet unknown.


Knodar has no actual super-powers and is a poor hand-to-hand combatant, relying only on his advanced technological devices from the 25th century. One of the weapons he has used frequently is a metal controller, with which he can levitate and reshape matter. Knodar also seem to have some advanced technical skills, since he was able to construct a time traveling device all by his own.


For a definitive list of appearances of Knodar in chronological order click here


Who's Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe #26 (April 1987)