Created by Karl Kesel and Tom Grummett


Krypto first appeared in Adventures of Superman #501 (June 1993).

Below is the definitive list of appearances of Krypto in chronological order. Flashback sequences or story entries will be followed by a [Flashback] note. Stories that for some reason are no longer part of current continuity will have a comment saying this in a note following the entry.

Follow the links for a complete index of the issue, including story and creator info as well as full character chronology and in some cases story synopses.

The chronology list can also be sorted according to Comic book title. Please note: If you want to go back to the chronological listing after having used the sorting tool you have to reload the page.

To go to the Krypto II biography click here.

Krypto Chronology

Click to list by alphabetically by title
Adventures of Superman #501 (June 1993): [15] "The Adventures of Superman As A Boy"
Adventures of Superman #502 (July 1993): [19] "Boy Meets Girl"
Adventures of Superman Annual #5 (1993): "Sparx Will Fly!"
Adventures of Superman #505 (October1993): [31] "Reign of the Superman!"
Superboy Vol. 3 #6 (July 1994): "Changing Realities"
Superboy Vol. 3 #8 (September 1994): "Big Trouble In Smallville"
Superboy Vol. 3 #11 (January 1995): "Reality Bites"
Superboy Vol. 3 #12 (February 1995): "Compound Troubles"
Superboy Vol. 3 #16 (June 1995): "School and Hard Knocks"
Superboy Vol. 3 #18 (August 1995): "Battle of the Century"
Superboy Vol. 3 #19 (September 1995): "T-K-O"
Superboy Vol. 3 #20 (October 1995): "The Hunt"
Superboy Annual #2 (1995): "The Lost Boys!"
Superboy Vol. 3 #21 (November 1995): [Future Tense, Part I]: "Making History"
Superboy Vol. 3 #23 (January 1996): "The Limits of Power"
Superboy Vol. 3 #25 (March 1996): "Losin' It: Whom the Gods Would Destroy"
Superboy Vol. 3 #27 (May 1996): "Losin' It: Ensnared"
Superboy Vol. 3 #28 (June 1996): "Losin' It: Tough Love"
Superboy/Robin: World's Finest Three #1 (1996): [Where Have You Been All My Life?]
Superboy Vol. 3 #33 (November 1996): "Running Hot And Cold!"
Superboy and the Ravers #10 (June 1997): "Meltdown: Flatline"
Superboy Vol. 3 #43 (September 1997): "Caught!"
Superboy Vol. 3 #44 (October 1997): "Going Nowhere"
Superboy and the Ravers #13 (September 1997): "Kindred: My Precious"
Superboy Vol. 3 #49 (March 1998): "Searching..."
Superboy Vol. 3 #54 (August 1998): "Darkness and Light"
Superboy Vol. 3 #69 (December 1999): "Hawaii -- Hana Hou!"
Superboy Vol. 3 #70 (January 2000): "...Evil Factory!"
Superboy Vol. 3 #72 (March 2000): "The Evil Factory, Part 3: The Hex Files"
Superboy Vol. 3 #73 (April 2000): "The Evil Factory, Part 4: Point of No Return!"