Created by Mark Schultz and Ron Lim


Occupation: Thanagarian Hawkman Commander
Homeworld: Thanagar
Base of Operation: Metropolis Tesseract
Group Affiliation(s): Elite Hawkmen, Lexcorp Interplanetary
Gender: Male
First Appearance: Action Comics #1,000,000 (November 1998): "Brave New Hero"
Creators: Mark Schultz and Ron Lim


One of the elite of Thanagar's police force, Mahol Toj commanded a group of Wingmen to protect the tesseracs surrounding Metropolis in the 853rd century. One of the tesseracts he protects is the Junkyard Tesseract, where he visits Platinum of the Metal Men from time to time.

Called upon during a riot, he and his men captured Superman, who was being accussed of being a Bizarro clone. Superman was taken to the Junkyard Tesseract where Platinum proved she recognized Superman as the original man of steel. This taking place after Superman spoke the name of a great Thanagarian hero, Katar Hol. Mahol, along with his men and Platinum, assisted Superman-Prime in taking down head-net for a few moments so he might find his own Fortress of Solitude.


With the assistance of the anti-gravity metal in his uniform, Mahol has complete mastery over flight. He is trained in hand to hand mid air combat and is an expert in the use of Thanagarian weapons.


For a definitive list of appearances of Mahol Toj in chronological order click here