Created by Ashley-Jayne Nicolaus, Matthew P. Schuster and Ariel Olivetti


Homeworld: Competalia
Space Sector: Unidentified
Marital Status: Widowed
Known Relatives: Cohvan (husband, deceased)
Base of Operation: Haven
Group Affiliation(s): The Alliance
Gender: Female
Hair: Black
First Appearance: JLA/Haven: The Arrival (January 2002)
Creators: Ashley-Jayne Nicolaus, Matthew P. Schuster and Ariel Olivetti


Nia was a goverment ward who got the Anathema treatment which gave her superhuman powers and she then became part of Antathema's forces, always hearing Anathema's voice in her mind. When she learned that her friend Cohvan had been taken to Haven for broadcasting anti-Anathema propaganda she left for Haven to find him believing that Anathema would take him back if he took the treatment seeing that the treatment had made her special. Cohvan refused and said that to him she had always been special. At that time Haven left the ground and went on its interspace odyssey.

As Haven moved away from the planet Nia could no longer feel the connection to Anathema and over the following weeks she and Cohvan grew closer and eventually the were married. Their happiness however was cut short when Cohvan died during the crashlanding on Earth. Her bravery and courage in helping out following the crash made Valadin offer her a part in the Alliance of Heaven and she gladly joined.


For a definitive list of appearances of Nia in chronological order click here