Created by Brian Bolland |
Occupation: Green Lantern
Homeworld: Penelo
Space Sector: 1355
Race: Peneloan
Group Affiliation(s): Green Lantern Corps
Sector Partner: Unknown
Height: 10′ 5″
Weight: 268 lbs.
Eyes: Blue (Has only one eye)
Hair: None
First Appearance: on cover only: Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #3 (July 1981): "Triumph!"
as the GL of Penelo: Green Lantern Vol. 2 #159/2 (December 1982): "Eyes of the Sea!"
Creators: Brian Bolland
The dominant species of Penelo, an ocean world, was a race of aquatic creatures. Penelo was the closest planet to its yellow sun. Penelops was one of the few of his race brave enough to rise from the ocean's depths.
Penelops of Penelo served alongside such Green Lanterns as Hal Jordan and Tomar-Re during the war against Krona and Nekron. - Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #3
The Green Lantern had to deal with an impending disaster on his world. The oceans were burning off, due to an increase in the sun's output of heat. The Green Lantern had thought this was some form of natural disaster, and went to investigate.
Out in space, an alien starship had been firing a beam of energy into Penelo's sun. This energy was the cause of the sun's increased activity.
Lantern Penelops intercepted the energy stream, which angered the captain of the starship. He ordered his crew to open fire on the approaching Green Lantern. The creature from Penelo then immobilized the ship, but was attacked by other starships.
The bursts from the other starships hurled the Green Lantern into the star's gravity well. Powerless against yellow, he was forced to escape the star's pull.
Returning, he finally immobilized all of the starships, and entered the bridge of the lead ship. The starship was crewed by a group of blue skinned humanoids who had been searching for a new world on which to live. The second planet closest to the star was right, but the sun was not hot enough to warm it. They had energized the sun so their people could survive.
The Green Lantern explained his people would die from the boiling seas, and the humanoids must stop. The process was irreversible, and the Green Lantern was powerless against a yellow sun. The Green Lantern had only one chance.
Out in space, the Green Lantern used all the willpower he had to move Penelo out of its original orbit, into an orbit further from the sun. Now both races would survive.
Penelops was active during the so-called Crisis on Infinite Earths.
Sometime after the Crisis and destruction of the newly reformed Corps, he was among the scores of powerless Green Lanterns freed from a slave ring by Guy Gardner.
Penelops was most recently seen with the majority of the Green Lantern Corps under the thrall of Krona. -Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors #8
As a Green Lantern, Penelops possesses a power ring and power battery.
For a definitive list of appearances of Penelops in chronological order click here (1981-2011) and here (2011-present)
This one's dedicated to fellow (well, I used to live there) Long Islander, MrMGL. Yes, I am still at work on the Green Lantern Corps (heck the universal) History Mega Post. I never got to post a response to one of your Legion theories, this was the Green Lantern you said might be the Emerald Eye. Digging back in L.E.G.I.O.N. history, Garryn Bek had first found the Eye. Since this supposedly happened while Penelops was still active, I'd say the two weren't related. (Or three... weren't there two Emerald Eyes at one point?) DC never did explain any GL of Kryptonian connections regarding the Emerald Eye.
In other news... I gave dual creator credits on this Green Lantern. His real first appearance was on the cover of Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #3 July 1981. Credit would go to Brian Bolland for the artwork. Since I'm doing the Mega Post based on the names of the Green Lanterns, rather than the pictures themselves, I've listed the Bob Rozakis story. The DC message boards are, after all, a writer's medium rather than an artist's.
I guess this story was either waiting in the wings in the DC offices, or Bob Rozakis liked the look of the Green Lantern of Penelo, and spun a story off of him.