

Aliases: God, Jhvh, Allah, etc.


A common epithet for the power above all in the DC Universe, seemingly the God(s) referred to mainly in Jewish, Islamic, and Christian belief. However, it is possible that all religious Pantheons are aspects of the same Presence in one form or another. The Presence definitely seems to be (at least partly) identical with the Source of the New Gods. Furthermore, beings such as the Spectre (I-II) the Word (I), and even Supergirl's friend Wally were actually parts of the Presence's own being. The Presence also has a female aspect called the Shechina.

The Presence is all-present, but traditionally believed to dwell in Heaven, where he is served by a host of Angels. In the beginning of time, one third of the Angel host turned against the creator and became its demonic opponents (see Hell).

Servants of the Presence include: The Archangels (including Gabriel and Michael), the Angel Army of the Pax Dei (including Zauriel), the Seraphim, the Cherubim, the Earth-Born Angels (including Supergirl I, Comet, Blithe), the Spectre I-II, the Word I, plus several heroes drawing from the Presence's power (including Seraph, Ramban).


For a definitive list of appearances of The Presence in chronological order click here