Created by Ron Marz and Scott Kolins


Full Name: Prohl Gosgotha
Occupation: Green Lantern
Status: Deceased
Homeworld: Unknown
Space Sector: 1417
Group Affiliation(s): Green Lantern Corps
Eyes: Blue
Hair: None
First Appearance: Secret Origins of Super-Villains 80-Page Giant #1 (December 1999): "Random Choice"
Creators: Ron Marz and Scott Kolins


In a tale related to Hal Jordan by Ganthet, the last of the Guardians of the Universe, Prohl Gosgotha, the Green Lantern of Space Sector 1417, was gravely wounded in battle with a Thunderer of the Weaponers of Qward. Escaping for the moment, the Green Lantern was brought down in a remote section of the planet Korugar. The warrior from the antimatter universe of Qward was in close pursuit.

A native of Korugar, the sentient the universe would come to know as Sinestro, found the fallen Green Lantern and tried as best he could to comfort the alien. Prohl Gosgotha warned Sinestro danger was nearing and gave the Korugarian his power ring mere moments before the Weaponer arrived.

The Qwardian Weaponer did not care that the ring worn by Prohl Gosgotha had been passed to Sinestro. The Thunderer sought to slay any sentient wearing the symbol of the Corps. Though initially surprised by the ferocity of his attacker and the ring's weakness to the yellow hued qwa-bolts, Sinestro was able to escape and lead the Thunderer into the ruins of a large temple. Once inside, Sinestro collapsed the ancient structure upon himself and his foe. The Qwardian was unable to save himself.

Gosgotha saw Sinestro return to his side and was grateful for the Korugarian's actions but requested the ring's return. The power ring would keep him alive until help arrived and he could resume his duties as Green Lantern. Prohl Gosgotha reached out for his power ring but Sinestro would not respond. The Korugarian stood unmoving as the Green Lantern died.

Ganthet appeared soon after. The Guardian claimed Prohl Gosgotha's remains, to be taken to Oa for internment in the Crypts of the Green Lantern Corps. Believing Sinestro had proven himself worthy by defeating the Weaponer, Ganthet decided to allow Sinestro to retain the power ring as the new Green Lantern of Space Sector 1417.


As a Green Lantern, Prohl Gosgotha possessed a power ring and power battery.


For a definitive list of appearances of Prohl Gosgotha in chronological order click here (1999-2011) and here (2011-present)


As this profile contradicts Sinestro's origin as stated in Green Lantern Vol. 2 #222, in which he receives the ring from Jewelius Blak, I'll be revising all affected profiles accordingly in the near future.