Created by John Broome and Gil Kane

Qward (planet).png
The Original Universe


Name: Qward
Space Sector: -1
Dimension: Antimatter Universe of Qward
Moon(s): Dark Moon of Qward
Dominant Lifeform: Qwardians
Type of Government: Dictatorship
Known Cities: Qwardeen; Krama Dhu
Points of Interest: Archive Tower; Fear Lodge; Golden Obelisk of Qward
Prominent Inhabitants: General Fabrikant; Conglomerate II; St'nlli; Kaliber II; Kiman; Diataria Lysis; Irik T. Roval; Varnathon; Yokal the Atrocious; Rengan the Abominable; Telle-Teg; At-Gor; Crime Syndicate of Qward
First Appearance: Green Lantern Vol. 2 #2 (September-October 1960): "The Secret of the Golden Thunderbolts"
Creators: John Broome and Gil Kane


Echoing the positive matter universe is the Antimatter Universe of Qward. Legends tell of its origins as a dimension where evil is worshipped. Though the world of Qward occupies the same relative position in the antimatter universe as the world of Oa does in the positive matter universe, the planet Earth serves as an unusually frequent link to the opposite universe.