Created by Rick Veitch


Aliases: Robert Huntoon
Occupation: Psychiatrist
Gender: Male
First Appearance: Swamp Thing Vol. 2 #66 (November 1987)
Creators: Rick Veitch


Renowned psychiatrist Roger Huntoon has been the supervising doctor of the Ravenscar Secure Facility in England as well as the chief administrator of Arkham Asylum. Growing up in England, he went to school with John Constantine, with whom Roger (or 'Piggy' as he was called then) had a falling out over a woman named Diane. Years later, Roger treated the mentally-ill Constantine with electric shocks and drugs at Ravenscar. Huntoon is also the author of the book "Pow! Psychology: Understanding the Super-Men (and Women)", complete with fake nude photos of the Teen Titans...

Roger Huntoon was later replaced at Arkham by Jeremiah Arkham.


For a definitive list of appearances of Roger Huntoon in chronological order click here