Created by Denny O'Neil and Mike Grell |
Occupation: Green Lantern
Status: Deceased
Homeworld: Vulcan
Space Sector: 773
Marital Status: Unknown
Known Relatives: None
Group Affiliation(s): Green Lantern Corps
Sector Partner: Unknown
Gender: Male
Height: Unknown
Weight: Unknown
Eyes: Unknown
Hair: Black; later None
First Appearance: Green_Lantern Vol. 2 #90 (August-September 1976): "Those Who Worship Evil's Might!"
Creators: Denny O'Neil and Mike Grell
Very little is known of Saarek. He was present on Oa when the Guardians of the Universe distributed improved power rings. The rings were now more powerful, apparantly with enhanced interaction with a Green Lantern's willpower. Also added was an emergency beacon and tracking system which could interact with other power rings.
As the Green Lanterns were departing from Oa, Green Lantern Saarek speculated on other improvements the Guardians had made over the years. Hal Jordan replied that while the Corps was quite different in the past, it was nothing he concerned himself with. The Vulcan gave his fellow Corpsman the "Live Long and Prosper" hand sign, and flew off. A short time later, Jordan would discover the error of ignoring the past. - Green Lantern Vol. 2 #90
Saarek was seen next defending Oa from a hostile alien race. The attackers had slipped past Oa's defenses through the actions of the Mocker. - Green Lantern Vol. 2 #97
Years later, Saarek became known as the Green Lantern who claimed he could talk with the dead. Understandably, many of his fellow Lanterns steered clear of Saarek. His presence was not welcomed in the Crypts of the Green Lantern Corps by its caretaker, Green Lantern Morro. Disturbingly, Saarek claimed the dead had told him they were cold.
Saarek's unique abilities were pivotal in bringing the Quintet, a family of Sinestro Corps soldiers that had targetted the families of new recruits to the Green Lantern Corps. - Green Lantern Corps Vol. 2 #27 - #28
This caught the attention of the Guardian known as Scar. She sent Saarek on a secret mission to retrieve the corps of the Anti-Monitor. He met Star Sapphire Miri Riam in his travels before joining with fellow Lantern Ash who had also been sent to find the corpse of the Anti-Monitor. They found more than they ever expected on the planet Ryut as they woke Nekron and the Black Lantern Corps. - Green Lantern Vol. 4 #42
The details of their deaths have yet to be revealed, but Ash and Saarek were next seen wearing the power rings of the Black Lantern Corps.
As a Green Lantern, Saarek possessed a power ring and power battery. He also had the ability to speak to the dead.
For a definitive list of appearances of Saarek in chronological order click here
Green Lantern/Sinestro Corps Secret Files #1 (February 2008)
Due to interest on the board, I made this special listing. All things considered, it might have been easier for me to just ignore the Green Lantern of Vulcan. :)
First off, it appears Mike Grell is (or at least was) a fan of Star Trek. Besides the Vulcan Green Lantern, the space craft in the story resembled a Klingon battlecruiser. Saarek was most likely an in-joke, combining the DC Universe and Star Trek.
I thought it might be interesting to show how there *could* be a Vulcan in the Corps. While the GL may not have *actually* been from Vulcan, he may have been from a Vulcan colony world, created sometime after the Vulcan-Romulan schism, some two thousand years ago. He appears to have mannerisms similar to that of Mr. Spock, which suggests he follows the teachings of Surak. This possibility allows him to be an active GL, with his own sector, but would have to be outside of our galaxy. In Star Trek, no Vulcans have travelled outside of our galaxy.
If the planet Vulcan was indeed his homeworld, it is in the Milky Way galaxy, Space Sector 2814. Earth and Vulcan are located in the Alpha Quadrant of the Milky Way. At the time of the story, Hal Jordan had John Stewart as his alternate. Hal also had his ring's power diminished for a time by the Guardians. Since 2814 is known to be an extremely busy sector, a Vulcan GL may have been active to help out Hal, which would explain how Hal knew him.
Another oddity to note, Green Lantern Vol. 2 #92 involved a space phenomena known as the Silver Twist. The twist would travel randomly throughout the universe. Anyone entering this ribbon of energy would be transported into an alternate universe (or "Elseworlds") which appeared to be designed by the traveler's thoughts. Each time it was entered, there would be a different universe. In Green Lantern Vol. 2 #92's story, Hal, Green Arrow, and Sinestro were sent to a "Robin Hood" world. In the 23rd and 24th Century was it renamed "The Nexus"? =/\=