Unofficial Showcase '93 Index |
SHOWCASE '93 #10
Cover Date: October 1993
Cover Price: $1.95
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Cover Credits:
Art: Paul Gulacy (signed)
Story | Doug Moench |
Pencils | Bill Willingham |
Inks | Terry Austin |
Lettering | Ken Bruzenak |
Colors | Tom McCraw |
Consulting editing | Dennis O'Neil |
Editing | Neal Pozner |
Feature Character(s):
- Huntress II (next in Black Canary Vol. 2 #9)
Guest Star(s):
- Batman II (last in Batman Vol. 1 #500; next in Batman: Turning Points #4)
- Walker Stone
Guest Appearance(s):
- Renée Montoya (last in Detective Comics Annual #6; behind the scenes; next in Batman: Turning Points #4)
- Harvey Bullock (last in Batman Vol. 1 #500; next in Batman: Turning Points #4)
- Robin III (last in Justice League Task Force #5; next in Batman: Turning Points #4)
Other Character(s):
- Mrs. Stone
- McCready (one of Walker Stone's survivalist friends; dies)
- Chris (one of Walker Stone's survivalist friends)
- Abe (one of Walker Stone's survivalist friends)
Synopsis: - The Huntress pursues Walker Stone, determined that he see justice for the cold-blooded murder of his own son. She is joined by Batman, who assists her in taking Walker's pals down. The murderer is brought in, and Huntress knows the experience is going to have a profound effect on her.
Story | Mike Baron |
Pencils | Cary Nord |
Inks | José Marzan, Jr. |
Colors | Paul Mounts |
Lettering | Gaspar Saladino |
Editing | Neal Pozner |
Feature Character(s):
- Peacemaker I
- Deathstroke
- Deadshot
- Katana
- Doctor Light IV (last in ???)
- Kobra
- Serpent Cult
- Gennifer Deveraux
Synopsis: - The full extent of Kobra's plan becomes clear - he has developed a technology which, when incorporated into television images, renders the viewers mindless slaves. He is shipping thousands of cut-price television sets to America which include this technology. Peacemaker, Deathstroke and Katana move in on Kobra's base, where they rescue Deadshot, but are themselves captured by Doctor Light, who has been tricked into believing they are enemies of Japan.
Story | Len Wein |
Pencils | Stuart Immonen |
Inks | Robert Santiago |
Colors | Calvin Armstrong |
Lettering | L. Lois Buhalis |
Editing | Neal Pozner |
Feature Character(s):
- Martian Manhunter (last in Action Comics #692; next in Justice League Task Force #5)
Other Character(s):
- Emily (dies)
Synopsis: - Martian Manhunter takes time out from a quest for Oreos in order to bring comfort to a dying lady.