Created by William Messner-Loebs and Greg LaRocque


Real Name: Morgan Rule
Occupation: Former CIA operative
Marital Status: Widower
Known Relatives: Unnamed wife (deceased)
Base of Operation: Metropolis
Gender: Male
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown
First Appearance: Flash Vol. 2 #53 (August 1991): "Fast Friends"
Creators: William Messner-Loebs and Greg LaRocque


A former CIA operative, Morgan Rule a.k.a. the Silver Squid was tasked with keeping the president (and dicatator) of San Felipe, Hector Esquelito, in power. When Rule was finally disgusted with turning a blind eye to drugs and gun-running, Esquelito had Rule's wife killed. Esquelito was later deposed and believed to be dead, but actually the C.I.A. had him moved and put under protection.

Two years later, the Silver Squid was a bank robber in Metropolis. He had boosted his powers by using amphetimines and steroids. He was still after Hector Esquelito, but the abuse to his body had taken its toll.

When Jimmy Olsen got too close in his investigation, the Silver Squid took him hostage. He demanded Superman to bring him Esquelito. Superman, the Flash and the Pied Piper were able to trick the Silver Squid intro believing they had brought back Esquelito. Enraged, the villain turned his power on Superman but burnt himself out in the process and was taken into custody. The Silver Squid has not been seen since. - Flash Vol. 2 #53


The Silver Squid has the ability to project electromagnetic energy powerful enough to hurt Superman, but the level of power had been chemicaly boosted. It is not known what his normal level of power is, nor where or how the Silver Squid obtained his power originally.


For a definitive list of appearances of Silver Squid in chronological order click here