Created by Jack C. Harris and Jerome Moore



Occupation: Green Lantern
Homeworld: Cyc
Space Sector: 47
Marital Status: Unknown
Known Relatives: None
Group Affiliation(s): Green Lantern Corps
Sector Partner: Lysandra
Gender: Male
Height: Unknown
Weight: Unknown
Eyes: Red (only has one eye)
Hair: None
First Appearance: (voice only): Green Lantern Vol. 2 #168 (September 1983): "The Lysandra Saga Part One: Sins in the Stars!"
(in person): Green Lantern Vol. 2 #169 (October 1983): "Sun-Fall! Part Two of the Lysandra Saga"
Creators: Jack C. Harris and Jerome Moore


When Ard Rennat, the previous Green Lantern of Cyc was killed in deep space, the Guardians of the Universe called upon one of his kinsmen to assume the responsibilities of Space Sector 47.

Spol of Cyc was assigned by the Guardians to prevent the inhabitants of Zintha from altering their world's orbital path. He met resistance from the planet, and was asked to travel to the world's surface to negotiate a settlement. On Zintha, he was surprised to meet Lysandra, a fellow Green Lantern. Spol did not understand why the Guardians had chosen two Green Lanterns to a single sector. Lysandra explained her unique situation.

Mortally wounded after a battle in space, the previous Green Lantern of Cyc fell to the planet Zintha. In his last moment of life, he had chosen Lysandra of Zintha as his successor. Due to her religious beliefs, Lysandra could not leave her world or even look up towards the heavens. Understanding her dilemna, the Guardians granted her special dispensation to be the Green Lantern for Zintha alone.

Zintha's people believed their sun would soon go nova. They believed it would be blasphemy against their god, Thar, to leave their planet. Lysandra's solution was to move the planet by focusing their wills through her power battery.

Spol tried to stop the Zinthians, and was in turn stopped by Lysandra. The two went to a distant mountain to discuss their mutual problem. He explained to her that Zintha's sun was actually a living being about to give birth. The movement of the planet would cause an imbalance fatal to the living star.

Lysandra flew back to the Temple and seized the power battery. The collective will power was difficult to fight, but finally, she was able to tear the lantern free of her people's grasp. Thousands of miles above, Spol re-established Zintha's orbit. The living star gave birth, and Zintha was warmed by the light of two suns.

His first mission successful, Spol told Lysandra of the true history of her world. Thar, the Zinthian's god, was actually the living star. Eons ago, after a space war killed most of Lysandra's race, her people swore to avoid future war by never again travelling to the stars. Thar had invited them to live on Zintha.

Spol was most recently seen with the majority of the Green Lantern Corps under the thrall of Krona. -Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors #8


As a Green Lantern, Spol possesses a power ring and power battery.


For a definitive list of appearances of Spol in chronological order click here (1983-2011) and here (2011-present)


Green Lantern/Sinestro Corps Secret Files #1 (February 2008)