Created by Steven Grant and Scott Kolins

Stellara; art by Scott Kolins


Occupation: protector
Status: Deceased
Homeworld: Ramnos
Space Sector: 2814
Group Affiliation(s): Stellaran warriors
Gender: Female
Height: 5'3"
Weight: Unknown
Eyes: White
Hair: None
First Appearance: Legends of the DC Universe #37 (February 2001): "Traitor's Game"
Creators: Steven Grant and Scott Kolins


Claimed to be "the heart of civilization of a thousand, thousand worlds," the planet Ramnos had long ago eliminated strife and violence. By encoding their DNA with the unyielding command that any combatant who lost a battle would become the bond-slave of the victor, Ramnos had found peace. No one would willingly risk fighting if losing meant becoming a slave.

This was not to say, however, that Ramnos was without protection from internal or external threats. To guard their world, artificially evolved Stellaran warriors were developed. For forty-thousand generations, the Stellaran warriors protected their world. Despite all the power possessed by a Stellaran warrior, the last of the lineage, Stellara, was unable to defeat the infamous Traitor. Born Devlos Ungol of Tartarath, Traitor had turned against his people and destroyed his homeworld. He had not been seen in over a century, following his defeat as the hands of Green Lantern.

After freeing himself from his latest imprisonment, Traitor had waited until he had absorbed enough dead star power to emerge from hiding. His first target on his path to universal destruction was the planet Ramnos. All of Ramnos watched as Stellara fell in battle to Traitor, and following her DNA encoding, became his slave. She was unable to prevent Traitor from utterly obliterating her homeworld.

Stellara had no choice but to travel to Earth to seek out the last Green Lantern, Kyle Rayner. Rayner's roommate, Jade/Jennie-Lynn Hayden, was placed in a stasis field while Stellara waited in the Greenwich Village apartment for the ring wielder to arrive. Though Stellara asked Green Lantern for his assistance, she could not take the chance he might refuse. To this end, she tampered with Rayner's power battery. When Rayner charged his power ring he was instantaneously transported to the debris field that was Ramnos.

Traitor had planned well, to the Green Lantern it appeared Stellara would fight by his side against the tyrant. Rayner was caught off guard by Stellara's betrayal as he was hit from behind by Stellara's light burst. He awoke with Traitor holding his power ring, which Traitor crushed into dust. Traitor left the powerless Green Lantern stranded in space while he and Stellara traveled to Ungara.

Ungara was the site of Traitor's first defeat, by the Green Lantern Starkaðr. Later, an Ungaran Green Lantern, Abin Sur, defeated Traitor and finally, Green Lantern of Earth Hal Jordan dealt him his third defeat. Traitor would destroy Ungara before attacking Earth.

Traitor had underestimated Rayner, as the Green Lantern was able to reform the ring by sheer force of will. Stellara could only do Traitor's bidding as the Green Lantern's battle was only making Traitor stronger. Distraught over the last hope of Traitor's defeat being dashed, Stellara overcame her DNA encoding and struck at her foe. Though her attack did not damage Traitor, it did distract him long enough for an electromagnetic pulse generated by Green Lantern to enter Traitor's body and shut him down from the inside. Stellara flew to the side of the badly beaten ring wielder and bathed him in her life-force, restoring him. It was too late for Stellara, as her body had begun destroying itself once she had risen against Traitor. She died shortly thereafter.

To prevent Traitor from absorbing more dead star radiation and becoming a threat once again, Rayner gathered the debris field that was the planet Ramnos and compressed it around the tyrant. Entombed at the planet's core, the dead star radiation would not reach him. Stellara was buried in a small grave on the newly reformed planet.


A full detailing of the Stellarans' powers is not yet available, but some abilities have been shown and it is assumed these abilities are traditionally wielded by the Stellaran lineage. The powers are apparently based on the manipulation of light and give the warrior the ability to fly at both great speed and over long distances, as well as protection from the hazards of deep space. A Stellaran also has the ability to place a target in some sort of stasis field as well as emit concussive light blasts.


For a definitive list of appearances of Stellara in chronological order click here