Created by Karl Kesel and Tom Grummett - Profile written by Nik Stanosheck


Occupation: Professional criminal
Marital Status: Single
Gender: Male
Hair: Black
First Appearance: (behind the scenes): Superboy Vol. 3 #1 (February 1994): "Trouble In Paradise!"
(seen): Superboy Vol. 3 #16 (June 1995): "School and Hard Knocks"
Creators: Karl Kesel and Tom Grummett - Profile written by Nik Stanosheck


A brilliant inventor and an obsessive collector of advanced technology who has been responsible for many difficulties faced by Superboy .


Not much is known about the villain known as the Technician. He is a master inventor and has invented weapons and special devices that some may argue even rival the technology built on Krypton years ago.

Most often the Technician has been known as a weapons master. He supplied all the weapons and accessories for the villain known as Sidearm. Each time Superboy crossed Sidearm he was in for the battle of his life.

At one time, the Technician had also built a projector for the villain known as Loophole. It was a device that would allow him to take anything non living that he wanted to steal, no matter how large or small it was and place it in a dimension known as the "Stasis Zone." Superboy defeated Loophole and S.T.A.R. Labs took the projector so that they could study it and find out how they could make use of this dimension.

The Technician also has an obsession with owning all technology that might surpass his. In the time that followed, he found Superboy's visor that once granted the boy of steel all the vision powers Superman has once given to him by Dr. Emil Hamilton. The Technician also broke into S.T.A.R. Labs and stole the telepathic earplugs the Legionnaires of the 30th century gave them and decided he was going to clean the Boy of Tomorrow's clock himself. The Technician and his droids he built came to downtown Hawaii to wreak havoc and get Superboy's attention. It worked. Superboy, along with Knockout, ended up beating the tar out of the Technician's droids and Superboy went up against the Technician on his own. The Technician was armed with Superboy's visor and wasn't expecting Superboy to be much trouble since he thought tactile telekinesis wasn't a very good power. It turned out Superboy was much more powerful than the Technician thought him to be. Superboy used his powers to explode the pavement the Technician was standing on, and the Technician ended up losing the visor. Alone and powerless, Superboy thought he had beaten him for sure. The Technician made a last stand effort and went for a police officer's gun and fired all the shots at Superboy's girlfriend Tana Moon, who happened to be in the area and was covering the fight live for KONA TV. Superboy proved he was faster than a speeding bullet by using his tactile telekinetic powers by shielding Tana from the bullets. The Technician was soon imprisoned.

It wasn't until the during the Meltdown event that Superboy had anything to do with the Technician again. The Ravers, which was the super team that Superboy associated with at the time, was desperate to find a cure for their fallen pal. The Technician offered Superboy on his answering machine a cure for his illness if he met him at a Hawaii docking harbor. Since the Boy of Steel was just keeping himself from becoming the boy of ooze, he couldn't make it. The only candidate that could make it out to the harbor that looked or acted the most like Superboy was Half-Life, another earth teenager. Once arriving, it was dark out and the Technician could not tell Half Life was not Superboy. He then sent out a droid to stick a needle into Half-Life to take a sample. Other than to cure Superboy, it's obvious the Technician had more plans than just to cure him. Half-Life was in some pain from having his blood taken from him and was bleeding. This infuriated Superboy's other teammate known as Kaliber and he came out of Half-Life's jacket and smashed the droid that hurt his fallen comrade. The rest of the Ravers tried to go after the Technician but he made good his escape plan.


The Technician is a brilliant inventor who has created not only the most sophisticated technology of our time, but of all time. When he has chosen to fight up front, he is still a very worthy opponent.


For a definitive list of appearances of Technician in chronological order click here