
Tefé Holland.png
Tefé Holland


Aliases: Mary Conway
Citizenship: American
Known Relatives: Abby Cable (mother); Swamp Thing (Alec Holland) (spiritual father); John Constantine (biological father)
Gender: Female
Eyes: Blue
Hair: White
First Appearance: Swamp Thing Vol. 2 #90 (December 1989)


Daughter in spirit of the Swamp Thing (the current Plant Elemental of Earth). Biological daughter of Abby Cable (the niece of the evil wizard Anton Arcane) and John Constantine (one of the world's most infamous magicians, with demon blood in his veins). Add to that the spirit of a failed elemental called the Sprout, and you have Tefé Holland, a young girl with quite a lineage.

Tefé was originally conceived to clear the path for a new world without animal or human life. However, the Swamp Thing, who originally supported the idea, stopped that from happening. Killed and recreated by her Elemental father, Tefé was stripped of her memories and "implanted" in the dead body of a girl named Mary Conway. As Mary, she grew up in the Conway family before realizing the truth and embarking on a confused journey. A hybrid of plant and human, she wields the elemental power over plants and flesh alike. Tefé is potentially one of the most powerful beings on this planet, but her indifference to humanity can make her a threat to all of us.


For a definitive list of appearances of Tefé Holland in chronological order click here


Who's Who in the DC Universe #15 (January 1992)