
Template talk

Tenz, I need some assistance. Tried to make a blank template but screwed it up.--DRMOUSE2814 14:28, 21 December 2012 (UTC)

Not quite sure what you mean by making a blank template. A blank template for what?--Tenzel Kim 17:38, 28 December 2012 (UTC)

For instance, when I go to [1] I'll see a Contents: Usage and Blank template that can be copied/pasted to make a new page. When I go to [2] I just show a blank page. I wind up copying a page in use, pasting / editing out the other character's info.--DRMOUSE2814 23:13, 28 December 2012 (UTC)

Ahh, I see. I'll look into creating this. Any other pages we need this for?--Tenzel Kim 17:24, 30 December 2012 (UTC)

Just seems to be Organization and Chronology. Side note: Could organization have a "prominent member(s)" field?--DRMOUSE2814 02:51, 31 December 2012 (UTC)

Blank template

When making a new organization profile just copy the text in this box and paste it into the profile page and fill out the fields.

Fields that are not used are just left blank.


| name =
| number =
| character_class =
| insignia_class =
| image =
| imagecaption =
| full_name =
| status =
| aliases =
| base_of_operation =
| first_appearance =
| creators =

| overview =

| history =

| powers =