Unofficial The Green Lantern Index |
Cover Date: August 2019
Cover Price: $3.99
Publication Date: 2019-06-05
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Cover Credits:
Art: Liam Sharp
Colors: Steve Oliff
Story | Grant Morrison |
Art | Liam Sharp |
Colors | Liam Sharp |
Lettering | Tom Orzechowski |
Assistant editing | Jessica Chen |
Editing | Brian Cunningham |
Feature Character(s):
- Green Lantern (Hal Jordan)
Guest Star(s):
- Green Arrow
- Xeen Arrow (first New 52 appearance)
Supporting Character(s):
- Glorigold DeGrand (first appearance; a drug dealer from Dimension Zero)
- two Super-Sirens (first appearance of both; assisting Glorigold DeGrand)
- Boss Brotorr (first appearance)
- Brotorr's gang (first appearance of all; all die)
- Mr. Azmomza (first appearance; dies)
- Anti-Matter Sinestro (first appearance; see Comments; next in issue #11)
Guest Appearance(s):
- Xeen Lantern (first appearance)
Other Character(s):
- citizens of Star City
- Space Sector 2814
- Unidentified Space Sector
- Hadea-Maxima (first appearance)
- Dimension Zero
- At this time the Sinestro appearing in The Green Lantern is being cataloged as an anti-matter version, based upon the reversed color scheme of his costume. It may turn out he is the Sinestro of the main DCU, or of another universe in the multiverse, at that point the Guide will be corrected accordingly.
- Green Lantern teams up with Green Arrow to stop a cosmic drug cartel that’s using Earth as its main distribution base! It’s a brilliant homage to the team-ups of old, as Morrison and Sharp do the 2019 version in a story we can only call “Space Junkies!”