Created by Cary Bates and Win Mortimer

The Original Universe


Name: Thetoa
Space Sector: Unidentified
Sun(s): One, unnamed; presumably yellow
Dominant Lifeform: Thetoans
Prominent Inhabitants: Euora Doruu
First Appearance: Adventure Comics #391/2 (March 1970): "The Super-Exchange Student"
Creators: Cary Bates and Win Mortimer


Thetoa is technologically advanced compared to Earth, featuring faster-than-light space travel and powerful computers. The Thetoans physically resemble humans, though a notable anatomical difference involves the brain; whereas humans possess one, Thetoans possess three.

Curiously, Thetoa has based the societies of its city-states on those societies found on Earth throughout its history. By using long-range time-scopes to examine past, present and future each city-state then modeled itself after the citizens of various eras. Only one city-state has been seen, that of Asborg College, based on Stanhope College on Earth. The inhabitants live out their lives as would their counterparts on Earth, but the Thetoans are aware of their mimicry of the Earth civilization and their own world's superior technology. Thetoa is said to have other cities-states the Middle Ages and the far future. It is not known how or why the Thetoans select a time period and location, nor how deeply immersed the become in the cultures they are mimicking.


Not yet available