Created by Marv Wolfman and George Pérez - Profile written by David Haglund


Occupation: Poet
Status: Deceased
Homeworld: Ozyron
Space Sector: Unidentified
Marital Status: Single
Group Affiliation(s): Titan Seeds
Gender: Male
Eyes: Black and yellow
Hair: White
First Appearance: New Titans #51 (Winter 1988): "Who is Wonder Girl? Chapter Two: Secrets Behind the Cosmos!"
Creators: Marv Wolfman and George Pérez - Profile written by David Haglund


One of the most gentle of the 'Titan Seeds', Xanthi gave his life to protect his friend Athyns.


The child who was to be known as Xanthi was saved from death on planet Ozyron by the Greek goddess Rhea, and brought to New Chronus in order to be trained along with 11 other 'Titan Seeds' as replacements for the waning Titan pantheon. Xanthi was named after the city state with the same name, while other children were named after other great cities of ancient Greece. During his training, Xanthi became known as a gentle soul, a poet. Their training complete, the Titan Seeds were returned to their homeworlds and their memories were erased in order for the seeds to learn the ways of their respective cultures. Upon reaching adulthood, the memories of New Chronus were to return and the seeds would take their rightful places among the Titans. Xanthi was returned to Ozyron, where he was shunned by his people because of his gifts, but Xanthi was still willing to use his abilities to harvest acids vital to their survival in the harsh climate of Ozyron.

Unfortunately, the brainwashing did not work on all the seeds. Driven crazy by her memories and responsibilities, Sparta conquered her homeplanet Synriannaq and then decided to eliminate any future threats towards herself by killing her fellow Titan Seeds, one by one. With the help of Troy, now a superheroine on Earth under the name Wonder Girl, and her team mates in the New Titans, Sparta was defeated and her mind erased. Xanthi finally gave his life to protect his friend Athyns, and in return Athyns, having seen his own world destroyed in the conflict, decided to serve and protect the people of Ozyron in honor of Xanthi.


The full extent of his godly powers remains unknown, but Xanthi did display extraordinary stamina and telepathic ability.


For a definitive list of appearances of Xanthi in chronological order click here