
The Original Universe


Former Members:  Ahura-Mazda, King of LightAhriman, King of Night-ShadowNu’biaMajee (Billy Hong)Mahkalli,
Base of Operation: Kingdom of Light (a province in the afterlife) [Ahura-Mazda, Nu'bia]; Nox (a province of Hades of Hell) [Ahriman]; Zhutan [Majee]
First Appearance: Rogues (Villains) #1 (February 1998) [Majee, Mahkalli]; Wonder Woman Vol. 2 #154 (March 2000) [Ahura-Mazda, Ahriman, Nu'bia]

“It’s imperative we restore Ahura-Mazda to health. After all, the war for all creation must take place on schedule...” - Nu’bia


The Zoroastrian Gods are the traditional gods of Persia, India and Zhutan. Good is represented by Ahura-Mazda and evil by his counterpart Ahriman. There is also Saravistraism, an offshoot of Zoroastrianism, practiced in the small nation of Zhutan.


Member First Appearance Joined Status Note
Ahura-Mazda, King of Light Wonder Woman Vol. 2 #154 (March 2000) Wonder Woman Vol. 2 #154 (March 2000) Active The Zoroastrian god of light and goodness
Ahriman, King of Night-Shadow Wonder Woman Vol. 2 #154 (March 2000) Wonder Woman Vol. 2 #154 (March 2000) Active The Zoroastrian god of darkness and evil
Nu’bia Wonder Woman Annual Vol. 2 #8 (1999) Wonder Woman Vol. 2 #154 (March 2000) Active Ahura-Mazda’s lover and bodyguard. Originally an Amazon from Themyscira.
Majee (Billy Hong) Rogues (Villains) #1 (February 1998)   Unknown Meshta’s chosen agent on Earth. The Saravistrian equivalent to the Zoroastrian saviour, the Sayoshant(?).
Mahkalli Rogues (Villains) #1 (February 1998)   Unknown A guardian angel. The Saravistrian equivalent to one of the Amesha Spentas(?).


The Zoroastrian Gods were worshipped in ancient Persia and India. Today, they are worshipped by the Parsi in India, as well as by small congregations in Iran and Zhutan. Good is represented by Ahura-Mazda and evil by his counterpart Ahriman.

Zoroastrianism is the oldest of all Persian religions. Tradition has it that the philosophy and the rituals of worship were defined by the prophet Zarathustra/Zoroaster around the 15th century B.C. Zoroastrian belief was unique among comptemporary religions in that it was a monotheistic religion – the belief in one god only, this god being the creator and god of light Ahura-Mazda. Theologists have argued that Zoroastrian philosophies have had a profound influence on Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Buddhism.

Moral duality and freedom of choice is one of the cornerstones of Zoroastrianism. Since the dawn of time, good has stood against evil; and it still does, even in the mundane everyday life of the ordinary man. According to legend, Ahura-Mazda has since the beginning of time been the benevolent spirit, Spenta Mainyu, while the evil spirit, Angra Mainyu, was personified by Ahriman. Ahriman’s taint upon creation made the world what it is today, an imperfect amalgam of good and evil. Although constantly at odds with his brother Ahriman, Ahura-Mazda will one day be victorious, and with the help of the Amesha Spentas (the holy immortals, roughly equal to an angel or a minor deity) and the Saoshyant (the saviour), he will raise the dead and purify the world. Fire is an important part of Zoroastrian lithurgy, since the burning flame is said to embody Ahura-Mazda himself.

With the advent of Islam in the 7th century A.D., Zoroastrianism was outlawed in old Iran, and many worshippers fled to India. Today, only a small number of worshippers remain in Iran, while the largest congregation of worshippers are the Parsi in India.

An offshot of Zoroastrianism is Saravistraism, as practized by a few hundred followers in the small Himalayan country of Zhutan, but this religion also appears to be influenced by Buddhism and Christianity. Ahura-Mazda is here known as Meshta, while Ahriman is Ahrnyu. Saravistraism also involves the belief in the Majee (Meshta’s chosen agent on Earth, possibly the equivalent of the Saoshyant), the Yavatis (five elemental angels) and Mahkalli (a guardian angel reminiscent of the angel Michael). The most holy relic in all of Zhutan is the Sun Disc of Meshta, which was nearly stolen by the Flash’s rogues gallery. Ironically, Trickster was revealed to be the father of the latest Majee, Billy Hong. As a result of their experience, Heatwave gave up his evil ways to study with the Zhutan monks, at least temporarily.

It has been suggested that Ahura-Mazda and Ahriman were spawned by the Godwave, energy released by the destruction of the Old Gods which gave birth to new gods on numerous worlds throughout the galaxy.


For a definitive list of appearances of Zoroastrian Gods in chronological order click here]