Created by Len Wein and Bernie Wrightson

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Abigail Arcane


Full Name: Abigail "Abby" Arcane
Aliases: Abby Cable; Abby Holland
Identity: Public
Status: Active
Homeworld: Earth
Place of Birth: Castle Arcane, Transylania
Known Relatives: Alec Holland duplicate (common-law husband); Tefé Holland (daughter); Gregori Arcane (father, deceased); Anise Arcane (mother, deceased); William Arcane (half-brother); Anton Arcane (uncle, deceased); Matthew Cable (husband, deceased)
Gender: Female
First Appearance: Swamp Thing Vol. 5 #2 (December 2011)
First Appearance (historical): Swamp Thing Vol. 1 #3 (February-March 1973)
Creators: Len Wein and Bernie Wrightson


Abigail Arcane re-appears in Alec Holland's life shortly after his resurrection, saving him from a bunch of rot-possessed corpses, bent on killing the would-be champion of the Green. After the proper rescue and a bit of mystery, she holds the former pseudo-avatar at gunpoint, threatening to kill him for no known reason. (Swamp Thing Vol. 5 #2) This is addressed when she "encourages" Holland to reveal his identity as "sort-of" Swamp Thing, leading to a conversation about old times and a bit of "green thumb" exercise.

After introductions and remembrances, she asks for Holland's help in rescuing a boy from an hospital. As she puts it, this kid is critical to the future of the world, having the power to end all life on Earth. This leads to the revelation and explanation of the dark force that is behind the whole madness (The Rot) and how Abigail exactly fits into it. Her family clan has a strong connection to the Rot, dating back to her uncle Anton and maybe even before. This, however, was unknown to her because the previous Swamp Thing shielded her (somehow) from the influence of said "entity". When they reach the hospital, the boy is nowhere to be found. Holland, curious about the extensive knowledge about the subject, ask her how she knows so much, making her reveal that their target is her half-brother William Arcane. (Swamp Thing Vol. 5 #3)

The pair keeps pursuing William, who is growing stronger. Sadly, he is one step forward than them, so they take a little pause to think and relax, after all that has transpired. During this, Abigail falls in a profound sleep and starts communing with the Rot. Shocked, she decides to keep the search on her own, a notion that Holland finds silly, forcing himself on her quest. The issue ends with them riding in the horizon, to a not so lively place, as it seems. (Swamp Thing Vol. 5 #4)

Abigail has been mentioned so far by a few members of the Parliament of Trees, starting with Swamp Thing (Calbraith A.H. Rodgers), and later in one of Holland's dreams. In both instances, the former defenders have warned Alec about Abigail and her nature/role as a servant of The Rot. Some of them even asked for him to finish her, before she became too much a threat to handle. It's said that if he continues to pursuit a path beside her, sooner or later, The Rot will win, meaning the end of life as we know it.


So far, Abigail has been shown as a good markswoman and competent biker. Also, she seems to have a certain connection with the Rot. The exact nature of this connection is still unclear.


For a definitive list of appearances of Abigail Arcane in chronological order click here