 Unofficial Crisis on Infinite Earths Index

Crisis on Infinite Earths 1


Cover Date: April 1985
Cover Price: $0.75
Publication Date: 1984-12-11


Cover Credits:
Art: George Pérez (signed)
Colors: Anthony Tollin

Story: "The Summoning" (32 Pages)


PlotMarv Wolfman, Len Wein, Robert Greenberger
StoryMarv Wolfman
PencilsGeorge Pérez
InksDick Giordano
ColorsAnthony Tollin
LetteringJohn Costanza
Consulting editingLen Wein
Associate editingRobert Greenberger
EditingMarv Wolfman

Feature Character(s):

Monitor (last in DC Comics Presents #78)
Harbinger (Lyla Michaels, last in DC Comics Presents #78; becomes Harbinger and is able to create separate bodies; appearance here the same as in New Teen Titans Vol. 2 #13, All-Star Squadron #50, Green Lantern Vol. 2 #194, Infinity, Inc. #18, and Fury of Firestorm #41)
Pariah (Kell Mossa; first appearance; last chronological appearance in issue #7)
Alexander Luthor, Jr. (son of Alexander Luthor and Lois Lane-Luthor; first appearance)

Guest Star(s):

Arion (last in Arion, Lord of Atlantis #35; taken from 45,000 years ago)
Blue Beetle of Earth-4 (Ted Kord; first DC Comics appearance; last in Americomics Special #1)
Cyborg (last in New Teen Titans Vol. 2 #13)
Dawnstar (last in Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 3 #12)
Firebrand of Earth-2 (Danette Reilly; last in flashback in All-Star Squadron #51; taken from 1942)
Firestorm (Ron Raymond and Martin Stein; last in Fury of Firestorm #41)
Geo-Force (last in DC Comics Presents #83)
Green Lantern (John Stewart; appearance the same as Green Lantern Vol. 2 #194 pages 11-13)
Obsidian of Earth-2 (last in Infinity, Inc. #18)
Solovar (last in Flash Vol. 1 #342)
Superman of Earth-2 (last in America vs. the Justice Society #4)


Anti-Monitor (behind the scenes only; last chronological appearance in issue #7)
Shadow Demons (first appearance; last chronological appearance in issue #7)
Doctor Polaris (last in Wonder Woman Vol. 1 #304)
Killer Frost (last in Fury of Firestorm #36)
Psimon (last in Tales of the Teen Titans #58)
Psycho-Pirate of Earth-2 (last in All-Star Squadron Annual #2; appears in Fury of Firestorm #41 between pages 23 and 24 of this issue)
Crime Syndicate of Earth-3
Johnny Quick (last in Justice League of America #232; dies)
Owlman (last in Justice League of America #209; dies)
Power Ring (last in Justice League of America #232; dies)
Superwoman (last in Justice League of America #232; dies)
Ultraman (last in Justice League of America #209; dies)
Four terrorists in Hub City, Earth-4 (Jersey named; first appearance of all)
Koris (a murderer in Gorilla City; first appearance)

Other Character(s):

Alexander Luthor, Sr. (last in DC Comics Presents Annual #1; dies)
Lois Lane-Luthor of Earth-3 (last in DC Comics Presents Annual #1; dies)
Cara of Earth-2 (a friend of Danette Reilly / Firebrand in 1942)
Citizens of Gorilla City
Citizens of 30th Century Metropolis
Detective Karp of Earth-4
an unidentified female hostage in Hub City, Earth-4 (first appearance)

Cameo Appearance(s):

Five unidentified super-heroes (mentioned only; deceased)


Atlantis (in Arion's time, 45,000 years ago)
Gorilla City
Legion Headquarters III (30th Century)
Suicide Slum (30th Century)
JLA Satellite
Monitor's Satellite
New York, NY (in 1942)
Unidentified location
Earth-3: (universe destroyed by the anti-matter wave)
Metropolis (presumably)
Earth-4: (first DC Universe appearance)
Hub City
an unidentified Earth (first appearance; universe destroyed by the anti-matter wave)


This story takes place in July 1985 but also 45,000 years ago, 1942 and in the 30th Century.
For the purposes of the Unofficial Guide to the DC Universe, unless listed otherwise, characters listed above are from the Earth-1 reality.
Story continues in the next issue.

Story Reprinted in:

Crisis on Infinite Earths ([December] 1998)
Crisis on Infinite Earths ([December] 2000)
Millennium Edition: Crisis on Infinite Earths #1 (February 2000)
Crisis on Infinite Earths The Absolute Edition (2005)


The greatest DC Universe heroes from across time and space join forces to stop a being more powerful than any they've ever faced! But with existence crumbling around them, this may be a fight that no one walks away from.