Unofficial Crisis on Infinite Earths Index |
Cover Date: April 1985
Cover Price: $0.75
Publication Date: 1984-12-11
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Cover Credits:
Art: George Pérez (signed)
Colors: Anthony Tollin
Plot | Marv Wolfman, Len Wein, Robert Greenberger |
Story | Marv Wolfman |
Pencils | George Pérez |
Inks | Dick Giordano |
Colors | Anthony Tollin |
Lettering | John Costanza |
Consulting editing | Len Wein |
Associate editing | Robert Greenberger |
Editing | Marv Wolfman |
Feature Character(s):
- Monitor (last in DC Comics Presents #78)
- Harbinger (Lyla Michaels, last in DC Comics Presents #78; becomes Harbinger and is able to create separate bodies; appearance here the same as in New Teen Titans Vol. 2 #13, All-Star Squadron #50, Green Lantern Vol. 2 #194, Infinity, Inc. #18, and Fury of Firestorm #41)
- Pariah (Kell Mossa; first appearance; last chronological appearance in issue #7)
- Alexander Luthor, Jr. (son of Alexander Luthor and Lois Lane-Luthor; first appearance)
Guest Star(s):
- Arion (last in Arion, Lord of Atlantis #35; taken from 45,000 years ago)
- Blue Beetle of Earth-4 (Ted Kord; first DC Comics appearance; last in Americomics Special #1)
- Cyborg (last in New Teen Titans Vol. 2 #13)
- Dawnstar (last in Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 3 #12)
- Firebrand of Earth-2 (Danette Reilly; last in flashback in All-Star Squadron #51; taken from 1942)
- Firestorm (Ron Raymond and Martin Stein; last in Fury of Firestorm #41)
- Geo-Force (last in DC Comics Presents #83)
- Green Lantern (John Stewart; appearance the same as Green Lantern Vol. 2 #194 pages 11-13)
- Obsidian of Earth-2 (last in Infinity, Inc. #18)
- Solovar (last in Flash Vol. 1 #342)
- Superman of Earth-2 (last in America vs. the Justice Society #4)
- Anti-Monitor (behind the scenes only; last chronological appearance in issue #7)
- Shadow Demons (first appearance; last chronological appearance in issue #7)
- Doctor Polaris (last in Wonder Woman Vol. 1 #304)
- Killer Frost (last in Fury of Firestorm #36)
- Psimon (last in Tales of the Teen Titans #58)
- Psycho-Pirate of Earth-2 (last in All-Star Squadron Annual #2; appears in Fury of Firestorm #41 between pages 23 and 24 of this issue)
- Crime Syndicate of Earth-3
- Johnny Quick (last in Justice League of America #232; dies)
- Owlman (last in Justice League of America #209; dies)
- Power Ring (last in Justice League of America #232; dies)
- Superwoman (last in Justice League of America #232; dies)
- Ultraman (last in Justice League of America #209; dies)
- Four terrorists in Hub City, Earth-4 (Jersey named; first appearance of all)
- Koris (a murderer in Gorilla City; first appearance)
Other Character(s):
- Alexander Luthor, Sr. (last in DC Comics Presents Annual #1; dies)
- Lois Lane-Luthor of Earth-3 (last in DC Comics Presents Annual #1; dies)
- Cara of Earth-2 (a friend of Danette Reilly / Firebrand in 1942)
- Citizens of Gorilla City
- Citizens of 30th Century Metropolis
- Detective Karp of Earth-4
- an unidentified female hostage in Hub City, Earth-4 (first appearance)
Cameo Appearance(s):
- Five unidentified super-heroes (mentioned only; deceased)
- Earth-1:
- Atlantis (in Arion's time, 45,000 years ago)
- Gorilla City
- Metropolis
- Legion Headquarters III (30th Century)
- Suicide Slum (30th Century)
- JLA Satellite
- Monitor's Satellite
- Earth-2
- New York, NY (in 1942)
- Unidentified location
- Earth-3: (universe destroyed by the anti-matter wave)
- Metropolis (presumably)
- Earth-4: (first DC Universe appearance)
- an unidentified Earth (first appearance; universe destroyed by the anti-matter wave)
- This story takes place in July 1985 but also 45,000 years ago, 1942 and in the 30th Century.
- For the purposes of the Unofficial Guide to the DC Universe, unless listed otherwise, characters listed above are from the Earth-1 reality.
- Story continues in the next issue.
Story Reprinted in:
- Crisis on Infinite Earths ([December] 1998)
- Crisis on Infinite Earths ([December] 2000)
- Millennium Edition: Crisis on Infinite Earths #1 (February 2000)
- Crisis on Infinite Earths The Absolute Edition (2005)
- The greatest DC Universe heroes from across time and space join forces to stop a being more powerful than any they've ever faced! But with existence crumbling around them, this may be a fight that no one walks away from.