 LIBERTY BELLE II (Jesse Belle Chambers Tyler)BIOGRAPHY
Created by Len Strazewski & Mike Parobeck


Real Name: Jesse Belle Chambers Tyler
Aliases: Jesse Quick
Identity: Secret
Occupation: C.E.O. of Quickstart Enterprises / former business manager of the JSA, adventurer
Marital Status: Married
Known Relatives: Johnny Chambers (father, deceased); Libby Lawrence (mother), Bess Lynn (ancestor), Rick Tyler (husband) Rex Tyler (father-in-law), Wendi Harris-Tyler (mother-in-law)
Base of Operation: formerly Philadelphia, PA; later New York City, NY; now Washington DC and New Rochelle, NY
Group Affiliation(s): Titans (former); Conglomerate III (former); JLA (temporary, later full member); JSA (support staff, later full member)
Gender: Female
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 135 lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blond
First Appearance: (as Jesse Chambers): Justice Society of America Vol. 2 #1 (August 1992)

(as Jesse Quick): Justice Society of America Vol. 2 #8 (March 1993) (as Liberty Belle II): Justice Society of America Vol. 3 #1 (February 2007)
Creators: Len Strazewski & Mike Parobeck


The daughter of golden age heroes Johnny Quick and Liberty Belle, Jesse inherited their super-powers: greatly enhanced speed and strength. She studied metahumans for her college degree and has become a super-hero herself, against her mother's wishes, working alongside the Justice Society of America for a short time, later joining the Conglomerate and the Titans. She also runs Quickstart Enterprises, her late father's business, and can be rather workaholic.


The daughter of Golden Age heroes Johnny Quick and Liberty Belle, Jesse has always had a healthy respect for the mystery men and women of the World War Two era. Despite a difficult upbringing, in which she felt herself to be pulled apart by the relationship problems and eventual divorce of her parents, Jesse became a strong, moral young woman with a keen desire to do well in the world. As a graduate, she researched the history of the mystery men she so admired, with particular reference to the many generations of super-speedsters, and was delighted when the Justice Society of America returned from the mythical limbo in which they had been battling to prevent the coming of Ragnarok.

Using powers inherited from both her mother and father, Jesse began a super-heroic career of her own, at first alongside the newly returned Justice Society and a corporate-sponsored group, the Conglomerate, but later either alone or alongside various other super-speedsters including two generations of the Flash, her father and the young Impulse. The first time she operated alongside this 'Flash family', she was named by Wally West (then the current Flash) as his successor. For a time, she was delighted by this, but soon learned this was a ploy to try and shock Impulse into some sort of responsible action. Angered by this, relationships between herself and the Flash were tense for some time until he proved his trust in her by battling alongside her against Savitar. At the culmination of this battle, her father was absorbed into the 'Speed Force', a sentient energy field which grants the speedsters their powers.

Obviously saddened by her father’s death, Jesse was determined to continue in his memory, despite strong opposition from her mother who was more affected by the tragedy than she would admit. Jesse inherited her father’s job as the head of Quick-Start Enterprises and has been balancing life as a business-woman and as a super-hero ever since. From time to time, she has demonstrated a workaholic tendencies – to the extent that her appointments diary once took over her life so much that it caused her to lose her speed.

When Wally West was temporarily unavailable, Jesse briefly took his place in the Justice League of America and later, in another move to show that he believes in her, the Flash nominated Jesse for membership in an incarnation of Titans, an offer which she somewhat reluctantly accepted. The Titans have taught her how to relax (to the extent where she allowed Argent to move in with her for a while), but she inevitably bonded most closely with the group’s workaholic leader, Nightwing. When he was unavailable due to a crisis in Gotham City, she demonstrated her strong leadership skills in a case involving the speed-drug Velocity-10. Her life began to be more grounded and stable, but her mother then announced her engagement to a much younger man, Philip Geyer, a man who Jesse began an affair with (a very out-of-character decision on her part). This affair was a great shock to her Titans team-mates when it became more general knowledge following Philip's murder. After this, Jesse threw herself ever more whole-heartedly into her business career, putting her friendships on the back burner and spending less time with the Titans, although she was present with them for the disastrous encounter with Indigo which brought about the break-up of the team.

Recently, when Zoom attacked the Flash's wife, Linda, causing her unborn twins to miscarry, Jesse realized how her over-dedication to her business career was affecting those around her. When Flash needed to confront Zoom following the attack, Jesse jump-started him with her speed formula, all of her speed passing into him and leaving her powerless. Stripped of her speed powers, she accepted a position as the business manager of the JSA, where she had friends to support her and help her re-build her life after going, as both she and they saw it, off the rails.

During the battle known as World War III, under unrevealed circumstances, Jesse began adventuring as a second generation Liberty Belle, originally without the use of her super-speed. She became romantically involved with Rick "Hourman" Tyler, himself a second generation hero she had become acquainted with during her time as Business Manager of the Justice Society, and the two recently married. Jesse recently regained the use of her super-speed and has alternated between her Liberty Belle and Jesse Quick costumes, depending on the group of heroes she was with at the time.

Recently, during the attack on the living known as "Blackest Night", Jesse was confronted with the zombified avatar of her father. Putting all her regrets and fears behind her as she defeated it, she now goes by Jesse Quick to pay tribute to him as an active member of the Justice League.


As well as her keen intellect and dedicated study of the methods and skills of super-speed heroes down the ages, Jesse possessed a number of advantages not enjoyed by the other super-fast heroes she associates with. From her father, she has inherited the ability to fly whilst using her speed, and from her mother, she has inherited vastly increased strength and an iron determination to get the job done. She proved to be a capable leader in her time with the Titans, and it is quite clear that her brain is as formidable as her powers.


For a definitive list of appearances of Liberty Belle in chronological order click here


Flash Secret Files #1 (November 1997)