Unofficial Justice League Quarterly Index |
Cover Date: Winter 1992
Cover Price: $3.50
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Cover Credits:
Art: Andy Smith
Story | Mark Waid |
Pencils | Rob Whigham |
Inks | Mike DeCarlo |
Lettering | Bob Pinaha |
Colors | Gene D'Angelo |
Editing | Brian Augustyn |
Feature Character(s):
- Justice League:
- Blue Beetle II (last in Guy Gardner #2)
- Booster Gold (last in Justice League Europe #50)
- Flash III (last in Justice League Europe #50)
- Fire (last in Justice League Europe #50)
- Ice
- Green Lantern (Guy Gardner; last in Justice League Europe #50)
- Ira Quimby (last in Power of the Atom #4; next in Starman Vol. 2 #75)
Other Character(s):
- monkeys (some die)
- This story takes place before Justice League America #69.
Synopsis: - Ira Quimby infects six Justice Leaguers with a virus which affects one in six subjects, driving them murderously mad one hour later. He then finds himself trapped in with them. As the tension mounts, he and Blue Beetle go about containing each of the heroes in a force field, but when it comes to Beetle's turn, he rounds on Quimby. The hero then pursues the scientist through the complex, until in desperation, Quimby grabs hold of the antidote - a substance he claimed did not exist. Beetle grabs this and immediately innoculates himself and then the others - it was a ruse: statistics is such an inexact science, and none of them were susceptible to the virus.
Story | Kevin Dooley |
Pencils | Andy Smith |
Inks | Asylum Studios |
Colors | Dan Jerome |
Lettering | Albert De Guzman |
Editing | Brian Augustyn |
Feature Character(s):
- Crimson Fox I and II (last in Justice League Europe #50; next in ???)
- Paula Halbert
Other Character(s):
- Daphne Brisson (deceased)
Synopsis: - Several young women are murdered in Paris and the Crimson Fox investigates. She is captured by the murderer, who is immune to her pheromone powers as 'he' is in fact a she, desperate to get a hero of her very own.
Story | Paul Kupperberg |
Pencils | Dusty Abell |
Inks | Bob Wiacek |
Colors | Tom McCraw |
Lettering | Todd Klein |
Editing | Brian Augustyn |
Feature Character(s):
- Justice League:
- Elongated Man (last in Justice League Europe #50; next in Justice League America #70)
- Flash III
- Power Girl (last in Justice League Europe #50; next in Justice League America #70)
Other Character(s):
- Battlecat
Synopsis: - Flash bets Power Girl that she can't keep her temper for two whole days. She almost manages to prove him wrong, but a deranged janitor, out to 'Keep Britain Tidy' accidentally destroys her overcoat and she goes ballistic. Power Girl has lost the bet, but at least she can now lash out at Wally.
Story | Elliot S. Maggin |
Pencils | Dave Cockrum |
Inks | José Marzan, Jr. |
Colors | Matt Hollingsworth |
Lettering | Clem Robins |
Editing | Brian Augustyn |
Feature Character(s):
Supporting Character(s):
Other Character(s):
- Geralyn Tierney (a young runaway)
- Clara, Jack and Alicia Tierney (her family)
- Harcourt (a sleazy agent)
Synopsis: - Booster realizes that a homeless girl he runs into will be a star in the future (his past). He returns her to her family, so avoiding a meeting between her and a sleazy agent, thereby altering her future for the better.