

Aliases: Seth; Tzet; Setekh
Occupation: Egyptian god of chaos, evil, war, deserts and storms
Citizenship: Egyptian
Marital Status: Married
Known Relatives: Osiris (brother); Isis (sister); Horus (nephew); Ra (ancestor)
Group Affiliation(s): Egyptian Gods
Gender: Male

"I... am... Set! I am all things... dark... and... evil! I cannot stand the light of this world... It offends my godhood! I will extinguish it... Like a candle’s wick... Leaving only my divine magnificence to burn like a beacon in the blackness!" - Set, from Justice League of America (Vol. 1) #226


Set is the Egyptian god of chaos, evil, war, deserts and storms.


Set is the Egyptian god of chaos, evil, war, deserts and storms. He is sometimes depicted as having the head of a snake, but he is also equated with other animals such as jackals, crocodiles, hippopotamuses and pigs. Set is also known as Setekh.

His eternal enemy is his brother Osiris, whom Set once slayed and chopped into pieces which he scattered over the world. Isis, the wife of Osiris eventually managed to gather Osiris' remains and revive him. This led to a long battle with the vengeful hawkgod Horus, the son of Osiris, over the leadership among the gods and the rule of Egypt, a battle which Horus ultimately won. Some say Set retired and now protects Ra's night-ship as the sun god travels through the underworld.

In the old days, Set conspired with the demoness Blaze to have Teth-Adam (later Black Adam) draw strength from Egyptian gods instead of from the gods with whom the wizard Shazam had made a pact.

An artifact closely connected to Set is the Mask of Set, a golden jackal mask that gives its wearer the ability to tap into the divine power of Set. Fleeing from the Israeli Secret Service, Lord Arsenic of the cult Fiatlux sprinkled the substance Luciferase on the helmet and donned the it. Striking back at his assailants, Lord Arsenic found himself unable to resist the power of Set and was soon possessed my Set himself. The power of Set changed Lord Arsenic physically, making him one with the mask, turning his body green and black, and giving him canine traits. Set was finally stopped by the original Justice League of America, who were able to turn Set’s own power against him and restore Lord Arsenic to normal.

Recently, Set encountered Ibis, a new supernatural hero carrying on a classic legacy.


For a definitive list of appearances of Set in chronological order click here