Unofficial Superman Index |

Cover Date: March-April 1950
Cover Price: $0.10
Publication Date: 1949-12-28
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Cover Credits:
Art: Al Plastino
Story | Edmond Hamilton |
Pencils | Wayne Boring |
Inks | Stan Kaye |
Editing | Mort Weisinger |
Feature Character(s):
- Superman (last in Action Comics #142; next in the second story in this issue)
Supporting Character(s):
- Lois Lane (last in Action Comics #142; next in the second story in this issue)
- Perry White (last in Action Comics #142; next in the second story in this issue)
- Dr. John Achilles (first appearance; an archaeologist; claims to be a descendent of the mythical Achilles; dies)
- his gang
Other Character(s):
- Dr. Hector Haley (first appearance; Metropolis Museum curator; presumably dies)
- a museum guard
- workers at the Amazons Rubber Company (first appearance for all)
- guards at the Trojan Bank (first appearance for all)
- Metropolis
- Daily Planet
- Metropolis Museum
- This story features characters from Earth-Two.
Art | Al Plastino |
Editing | Mort Weisinger |
Feature Character(s):
- Superman (in between the first and the third story in this issue)
Supporting Character(s):
- Lois Lane (in between the first and the third story in this issue)
- Perry White (in between the first and the third story in this issue)
Other Character(s):
- Mr. Weems (first appearance; business manager of the Daily Planet)
- John Strong (first appearance; President of Strongbilt Construction Company)
- citizens of Metropolis
- the prison warden
- Metropolis
- Daily Planet
- Metropolis Prison
- This story features characters from Earth-Two.
Story | Bill Finger (?) |
Pencils | Al Plastino |
Inks | Stan Kaye |
Editing | Mort Weisinger |
Feature Character(s):
- Superman (last in the second story in this issue; next in Action Comics #143)
Supporting Character(s):
- Lois Lane (last in the second story in this issue; next in Action Comics #143)
- Perry White (last in the second story in this issue; next in Action Comics #143)
- Happy Feris (first appearance; agent for Ellen Bond)
Other Character(s):
- "Miss Metropolis of 1950" finalists
- Ann Kirk (first appearance; a cowgirl)
- Ellen Bond (first appearance; a trapeze artist; wins the contest)
- Jane Waite (first appearance; a movie stuntwoman)
- Mary Dodge (first appearance; a chemical lab worker)
- Ed Barnes (first appearance; agent for Jane Waite)
- This story features characters from Earth-Two.