 Unofficial Tales from the Dark Multiverse: Crisis on Infinite Earths Index

Tales from the Dark Multiverse: Crisis on Infinite Earths 1


Cover Date: February 2021
Cover Price: $5.99
Publication Date: 2020-12-15


Cover Credits:
Art: David Marquez (signed)
Colors: Alejandro Sánchez (signed)

Story: "Tales from the Dark Multiverse: Crisis on Infinite Earths" (48 Pages)


StorySteve Orlando
ArtMike Perkins
ColorsAndy Troy
LetteringTroy Peteri
EditingDave Wielgosz
Group editingBen Abernathy

Feature Character(s):

The All-Star Squadron of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; includes members of the Freedom Fighters, Infinity, Inc., the Justice Society of America and the Seven Soldiers of Victory)
Aquaman of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; also member of the Justice Society of Earth; dies)
Atom of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; dies)
Black Canary of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; dies)
Black Condor of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; dies)
Brainwave, Jr. of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; dies)
Bulletman of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; dies)
Captain Marvel of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; dies)
Crimson Avenger of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; dies)
Dan the Dyna-Mite of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; dies)
Doctor Fate of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; dies)
Doctor Mid-Nite of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; :dies)
Doctor Occult of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; dies)
Dyna-Mite of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; dies)
Firebrand of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; dies)
Flash of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; dies)
Fury of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; also member of the Justice Society of Earth)
Green Arrow of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; dies)
Green Lantern of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (Alan Scott; first appearance; also member of the Justice Society of Earth; becomes the Dread Lantern)
Harlequin of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; dies)
Hawkgirl of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; also member of the Justice Society of Earth)
Hawkman of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; dies)
Hourman of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; dies)
Huntress of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; also member of the Justice Society of Earth)
Jade of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; dies)
Johnny Thunder of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; also member of the Justice Society of Earth; dies)
Liberty Belle of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; dies)
Manhunter I of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; dies)
Manhunter II of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; dies)
Midnight of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; dies)
Northwind of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; dies)
Nuklon of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; dies)
Obsidian of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; also member of the Justice Society of Earth)
Phantom Lady of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; dies)
Power Girl of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; also member of the Justice Society of Earth)
Red Bee of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; dies)
Robin of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; dies)
Sandman of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; dies)
Sandy of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; dies)
Shining Knight of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; dies)
Silver Scarab of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; dies)
Solomon Grundy of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; dies)
Spectre of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; dies)
Star-Spangled Kid of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; dies)
Stripsey of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; dies)
Starman of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; also member of the Justice Society of Earth; dies)
Superman of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; also member of the Justice Society of Earth)
Tarantula of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; dies)
Thor the Thunderdog of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; presumbaly dies)
Thunderbolt (Yz) of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; presumbaly dies)
TNT of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; dies)
Uncle Sam of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; dies)
Victory of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; dies)
Vigilante of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; dies)
Wildcat of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; also member of the Justice Society of Earth; dies)
Wonder Woman of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; dies)

Guest Star(s):

Tempus Fuginaut (last in Tales from the Dark Multiverse: Flashpoint #1; next in Tales from the Dark Multiverse: Dark Nights Metal #1)

Supporting Character(s):

Lois Lane Kent of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance)
Lois Lane of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; transported to a pocket dimension)


Surtur of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance)
Surtur's armies of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance for all)

Guest Appearance(s):

Justice League of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance)
Aquaman of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; deceased)
Batman of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; deceased)
Black Canary of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (Hal Jordan; first appearance; deceased)
Elongated Man of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; deceased)
Firestorm of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; deceased)
Flash of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (Barry Allen; first appearance; deceased)
Green Arrow of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; deceased)
Green Lantern of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (Hal Jordan; first appearance; deceased)
Gypsy of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; deceased)
Hawkman of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; deceased)
Martian Manhunter of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; deceased)
Superman of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; in flashback; transported to a pocket dimension)
Vibe of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; deceased)
Wonder Woman of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; deceased)
Zatanna of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; deceased)
Supergirl of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; in flashback; deceased)
Kid Flash of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; deceased)
Alexander Luthor of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; transported to a pocket dimension)
Superboy of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; transported to a pocket dimension)

Other Character(s):

U.S, military forces of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; many die)

Cameo Appearance(s):

Dian Belmont of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; in flashback)
Batman of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; in flashback)
Catwoman of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; in flashback)
Blue Beetle (Ted Kord of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse; in flashback; from Tales from the Dark Multiverse: Infinite Crisis #1)
Booster Gold of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (in flashback; deceased)
Limbo Lantern (Thaal Sinestro of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse; in flashback; from Tales from the Dark Multiverse: Blackest Night #1)
Eradicator (Lois Lane of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse; in flashback; from Tales from the Dark Multiverse: The Death of Superman #1)
The Batman Who Laughs (in flashback)
Justice Society of Earth of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (see Comments)
Doctor Midnight II of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (Beth Chapel; first appearance; image)
Green Arrow II of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; image)
Hourman II of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (Rick Tyler; first appearance; image)
Robin II of Earth of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; image)
Wildcat II of Earth of an unnamed world of the Dark Multiverse (Yolanda Montez; first appearance; image)


Dark Multiverse
an unidentified Earth in the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; shortly following the conclusion of the Crisis on Infinite Earths)
Queens, NY
the Perisphere (All-Star Squadron HQ)
Washington, DC
Capitol Building
Washington Monument (destroyed)


Some identities are assumed, based on the Pre-Crisis Multiverse appearances of the characters shown.


When the Anti-Monitor’s deadly grudge match with the Multiverse was finally foiled, there was only one Earth left! But which Earth? That was crucial to what would happen next. In one timeline, Earth-1’s Superman stopped the Superman of Earth-2 from going into final battle, but in the Dark Multiverse, it’s Kal-L of Earth-2 who survives, changing the landscape for all that follows. When Surtur comes looking to crush all life, the beleaguered heroes jump into their next big battle, jumping from one Crisis to the next...but will the last days of the Justice Society of America play out differently if Green Lantern Alan Scott can step into the darkness?