Created by Paul Kupperberg and Trevor Von Eeden

Varix; Art by Trevor Von Eeden


Occupation: Green Lantern
Status: Deceased
Homeworld: Naktos
Space Sector: 69
Group Affiliation (former): Green Lantern Corps, Alpha-Lanterns
Gender: Male
Eyes: Unknown
Hair: None
First Appearance: Green Lantern Corps Annual #2/3 (1986): "Old Man Lantern"
(as Alpha-Lantern): Green Lantern Vol. 4 #26 (February 2008): "The Alpha Lanterns Part 1"
Creators: Paul Kupperberg and Trevor Von Eeden


Varix was a Commander in the law enforcement division that served the planet Naktos. He had known Ghrelk, the Green Lantern of Space Sector 69, all of his life and had heard stories of the Green Lantern dating back five generations.

He was troubled by the ancient Green Lantern's behavior in the preceding weeks. He sought out Ghrelk after the Green Lantern had failed to avert a disastrous collision on Mkulsen's Span. Varix told Ghrelk of that and other incidents. The Green Lantern denied the accusations.

It soon became apparent even to Ghrelk that he could no longer control his power. Angered, he attempted to fly off, but his ring attacked instead. Shocked by his actions, the Green Lantern flew off to see Mkulsen's Span. Varix was forced to send an interceptor squadron to protect Naktos from Ghrelk.

When Ghrelk realized he was unable to tell friend from foe, he was immobilized by his doubts. Varix had to take his friend's ring to become the new Green Lantern. - Green Lantern Corps Annual #2

After the destruction of the Green Lantern Corps, John Stewart was chosen by the Controllers for the Darkstars. To fill the void left by the Corps, Stewart recruited a number of former Green Lanterns, including Varix, Galius Zed, Charlie Vicker, and Hollika Rahn.

Their first mission was to Talyn, a planet which had been devastated by Psi-Mon. Varix later assisted on Earth, driving out an alien crime syndicate.

After the Darkstars disbanded and the Green Lantern Corps was restored, Varix once more wielded a power ring. He was later chosen as one of the original Alpha-Lanterns.


As a Green Lantern, Varix possesses a power ring and a power battery.


For a definitive list of appearances of Varix in chronological order click here (1986-2011) and here (2011-present)


Green Lantern/Sinestro Corps Secret Files #1 (February 2008)