 Unofficial Batman: The Dawnbreaker Index

Batman: The Dawnbreaker 1 (Cover A)


Cover Date: December 2017
Cover Price: $3.99
Publication Date: 2017-10-04


Cover Credits:
Art: Jason Fabok (Cover A; signed), Riccardo Federci (Cover B; signed)
Colors: Brad Anderson (Cover A; signed)

Story: "Fear of the Dark" (20 Pages)


StorySam Humphries
ArtEthan Van Sciver
ColorsJason Wright
LetteringTom Napolitano
Assistant editingAndrew Marino
EditingMike Cotton
Group editingEddie Berganza

Feature Character(s):

Dawnbreaker (Bruce Wayne of Earth -32 of the Dark Multiverse; first chronological appearance; gains a power ring to become Green Lantern; as Batman the Dawnbreaker in Dark Nights: Metal #2 and Batman: The Murder Machine #1 in between pages 16 and 17)

Guest Star(s):

Green Lantern (Hal Jordan; in between Dark Nights: Metal #2 and #3)
Green Lantern Corps of Earth -32 of the Dark Multiverse's gang (first appearance; in flashback; all die)
Chaselon of Earth -32 of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; in flashback; dies)
Kilowog of Earth -32 of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; in flashback; dies)
Guardians of the Universe of Earth -32 of the Dark Multiverse's gang (first appearance; in flashback; all die)
Ganthet of Earth -32 of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; in flashback; dies)

Supporting Character(s):

Thomas Wayne of Earth -32 of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; in flashback; dies)
Martha Wayne of Earth -32 of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; in flashback; dies)
James Gordon of Earth -32 of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; in flashback; dies)


The Batman Who Laughs (last in flashback in Batman: The Murder Machine #1; next in Dark Nights: Metal #1)
The Murder Machine (last in flashback in Batman: The Murder Machine #1; next in Dark Nights: Metal #1)
The Red Death (last in Batman: The Red Death #1, page 17; next in Dark Nights: Metal #1)
The Boy Wonders (next in Dark Nights: Metal #2)
Joe Chill of Earth -32 of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; in flashback; dies)
Penguin of Earth -32 of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; in flashback; dies)
Penguin of Earth -32 of the Dark Multiverse's gang (first appearance; in flashback; all die)
Scarecrow of Earth -32 of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; in flashback; dies)

Guest Appearance(s):

Doctor Fate (last in Batman: The Red Death #1; next in Green Arrow Vol. 7 #32)


Earth -32
Gotham City of Earth -32 of the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; in flashbacks)
Coast City


This story takes place on Earth -32 of the Dark Multiverse and on Earth-0 of the New 52 Multiverse.


As the events of DARK NIGHTS: METAL rock the DC Universe, the creatures of the Dark Multiverse stand ready to invade our world! How can even the World's Greatest Heroes stop a horde of deadly beings that appear to be powerful, nightmare versions of familiar figures?